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The Owl Moans Low 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-21 23:56



热心网友 时间:2024-11-29 21:30

歌曲名:The Owl Moans Low
歌手:Lonely Drifter Karen
专辑:Grass Is Singing

The Owl Moans Low
Lonely Drifter Karen
there′s a star outside my window
i can see it clearly shine
can′t escape destiny
didl dam didl dam didl di
there′s an owl in the woods
i can hear it moan low
can′t escape destiny
didl dam didl dam didl di
roll, rock around you owl!
roll, rock around you owl!
can′t escape destiny
didl dam didl dam didl di
can′t escape destiny
didl dam didl dam didl di
can′t escape destiny
didl dam didl dam didl di
there′s a star outside my window
i can see it clearly shine
can′t escape destiny
didl dam didl dam didl di
roll, rock around you owl!
roll, rock around you owl!
can′t escape destiny
didl dam didl dam didl di


热心网友 时间:2024-11-29 21:28

歌曲名:The Owl Moans Low
歌手:Lonely Drifter Karen
专辑:Grass Is Singing

The Owl Moans Low
Lonely Drifter Karen
there′s a star outside my window
i can see it clearly shine
can′t escape destiny
didl dam didl dam didl di
there′s an owl in the woods
i can hear it moan low
can′t escape destiny
didl dam didl dam didl di
roll, rock around you owl!
roll, rock around you owl!
can′t escape destiny
didl dam didl dam didl di
can′t escape destiny
didl dam didl dam didl di
can′t escape destiny
didl dam didl dam didl di
there′s a star outside my window
i can see it clearly shine
can′t escape destiny
didl dam didl dam didl di
roll, rock around you owl!
roll, rock around you owl!
can′t escape destiny
didl dam didl dam didl di

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