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never give up 作文 50到60字写上中文谢谢

发布网友 发布时间:5小时前



热心网友 时间:3小时前

Never give up
As long as he thought, don't give up
Regardless of success or failure, we must strengthen our confidence
Success will continue to work hard
If you fail, must draw lessons from
As long as the target, will unremittingly, don't give up

热心网友 时间:3小时前

I used to be a very naughty 调皮的student.I seldom paid anttention in the class and always lazy to do my homework. Therefore I did not do well in my study. My parent often angry with my because I failed in most of the subjects. So I planned to give up with my study and decided to find a job. However, the headmaster did not aloud him to do so because he knew I is actually a clever student. So he advised me to not give and continue with my study. He also asked other teachers and students to help me in different subjects. I decided to strive for a better result because I did not want to disappointed my kind friends and teachers. Since that, I studied hard and slowly showed some improvements in all subjects. Now, I’m one of the best students in our class. I does well in every subjects especially English. I appreciates the advice of my headmaster that asked me not to give easily. 很简单,不翻译了。
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