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52赫兹的鲸乐队The Verse专辑《52HZ》

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-21 05:06



热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 13:04

The Verse, a band composed of Chen Qi-zhen, Zhong Cheng-hu, and Chen Jian-ti, released their electronic album titled "52HZ" on January 23, 2013. In the age of globalization, individuals are faced with the challenge of choosing their path and staying true to their beliefs amidst the overwhelming tide of consumer information, leading to a sense of personal anxiety and solitude.

Simultaneously, scientists discovered a unique story beneath the sea: a whale emitting a frequency of 51.7 hertz, which distinguished it from the rest of its species. This solitary whale, named "52赫兹," struggled to find companionship due to its distinct vocal signature. Its journey mirrors the isolation felt by those who stand apart due to their uniqueness.

The Verse, inspired by this whale, crafted the song "52赫兹" as a tribute to everyone who navigates life's loneliness because of their individuality. The album features a diverse range of tracks such as "Washing Myself," "Only Love Can," "周梦蝶," "碎形," "Six," "Get On The Train," "The Verse," "犀牛," and "快速动眼歌曲," each exploring themes of solitude, longing, and self-discovery.

Through their lyrics, Chen Qi-zhen invites listeners to embrace the quietness, like the whale's message that floats beneath the surface, reminding us that even in solitude, there is a beauty in exploring the depths of our own emotions and lives.
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