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I Am (I'M Me) (Lp Version) 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-21 03:44



热心网友 时间:2024-11-04 18:08

歌曲名:I Am (I'M Me) (Lp Version)
歌手:Twisted Sister
专辑:You Can'T Stop Rock 'N' Roll

I Am
Static X
I've been taking abuse
And it's senseless
Fist into the wall
And it's painless
I've been living the lie
That I made me
Live it
Screaming into the mic
And I like it
Play it all over the air
In thick slices
Soak it all up in your head
With the anger
Like it
I Am
(Grind on it)
I Am
Brush the surface off and grind on it
Brush the surface off and grind on it
Brush the surface off and grind on it
Brush the surface off and grind on it
Brush the surface off and grind on it
Brush the surface off and grind on it
Brush the surface off and grind on it
I Am
(Grind on it)
I Am
I've been taking abuse
And it's senseless
Fist into the wall
And it's painless
I've been living the lie
That I made me
Live it
Screaming into the mic
And I like it
Play it all over the air
In thick slices
Soak it all up in your head
With the anger
Like it
I Am
(Grind on it)
I Am
Put a gun in my mouth
And threaten to shoot
Put a gun in my mouth
And threaten to shoot
Put a gun in my mouth
And threaten to shoot
Put a gun in my mouth
And threaten to shoot
Justice died here

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