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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-20 20:36



热心网友 时间:2024-11-30 23:40

All my teachers and classmates good morning/good afternoon. My name is ***. I'm14 years old. I'm from * * school * * * class. I have always liked English, because my English teacher teaching very interesting. My favorite sport is playing badminton, it can let me relieve the pressure of learning. I like painting, it can make me forget all the troubles, let the hands of the pen coruscate light. I love ice cream, it can in sorching summer brought me filar silk cool. My dream is to be a teacher, to transfer knowledge. Also, my teachers and classmates established very deep friendship, forthcoming respectively, I am not give up. thank you

热心网友 时间:2024-11-30 23:41

Good afternoon/morning teachers and classmates! My name is ***. I am a 14-years-old boy/girl from Class *** , Grade ***, *** middle school. I like English very much because our English teacher's classes are quite interesting. I like sports,too,espeacially badminton. It reduces my stress of study. Also i like painting,which makes me forget all the annoyances and my pen shine. In the summer time, i like eating icecreams, which cools me down. My dream is to become a teacher, the messenger of knowledge.

Above all, i am now so sorry that i will leave those who have a deep friendship with me, my teachers and classmates.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-30 23:37

Good morning/Good afternoon everyone! My name is ***. I'm 14 years old. I come from Class * of ** middle school. I always like English, because my English teacher teaches it in an very interesting way. My favorite sport is badminton. It reduces the stress from my studies. I also like painting, which makes me forget all the unhappiness and even let my pens glow. My favorite food is ice cream. It cools me down in hot summers. I have been dreaming of being a teacher to give knowledge to others. I have built a great friendship with my teacher and classmates. It's hard for me to say goodbye. Thank you all.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-30 23:36

Members teachers and students the morning / afternoon. My name is ***. I am 14 years old. ** *** I am from middle school classes. I've always liked English, because my English teacher to teach English to very interesting. My favorite sport is badminton, which allows me to learn to reduce stress. I also like painting, it makes me forget all the troubles, so that the pen glow light. I like to eat ice cream, it sent me in the slightest cool summer. My dream is to become a teacher, transfer knowledge. Also, I am with my teachers and classmates established a very strong friendship, about each, I give up. Thank you.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-30 23:39

Good morning/good afternoon teachers students. My name is ***. I am 14 years old. I am from ** *** classes in secondary schools. I've always liked English, because my English teacher taught in English are very interesting. My favorite sport is badminton, it made me reduce study pressures. I also like drawing, it made me forget all the troubles, hands full of light. My favorite ice cream, it can give me sent silk and cool in the heat of the summer. My dream is to become a teacher, and transferring knowledge. Also, the teacher of my classmates and I have established a deep friendship, respectively, I really do not care. Thank you.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-30 23:44

Good morning, everyone,
My name is ***, a fourteen-yesr-old student from Grade **8, ***middle school.
English is my favourite, besides, my English teacher is good at teaching English. I spend my spare time playing badminton in order to realse my study stress. Apart from it, I like drawing, where I can forget everything unhappy, and I enjoy it very much. I like eating icecream, because it cool me in hot summer. My dream is to be a teacher to pass on knowledge. Besides, I get on well with my teachers and classmates so I'm very sad to say goodbye to them,
Thank you!
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