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sam smith的I've told you now歌词翻译

发布网友 发布时间:8小时前



热心网友 时间:8小时前

You know what I mean
It'€™s like walking in the heat all day with no water
It'€™s like waiting for a friend
Watching everybody else meet theirs on that corner
I€™'m losing in an argument
Although you€™'re right can€™'t get your thoughts in order
Still I refrain From talking at you, talking on
You know me well I don't explain
But why the hell
Why do you think I come back here on my free will?

Wasting all my precious time
Oh, the truth spills out

And oh, I've told you now

You know what I mean

Although I try my best I still let down the team
You'€™re everything I want,
Why should I resist when you are there for me?
Still I refrain From talking at you, talking on
You know me well
I don't explain
But why the hell
Why do you think I come back here on my free will?
Wasting all my precious time
Oh, the truth spills out

And oh, I've told you nowI'€™ve told you now
And I'€™ve told you now!
And I've told you now!
Still I refrain From talking at you, talking on
You know me well
I don'€™t explainSo what the hell
Why do you think I come 'round here on my free will?
Wasting all my precious timewhat the hell
Why do you think I come 'round here on my own will?
Wasting all my precious time
Oh, the truth spills out
And oh oh I, I've told you now

热心网友 时间:8小时前

sam smith的I've told you now歌词翻译

I don't explain But why the hell Why do you think I come back here on my free will?Wasting all my precious time Oh, the truth spills out And oh, I've told you nowI'€™ve told you now And I'€™ve told you now!And I've told you now!Still ...

SamSmith的《I'm not the only one》英文歌词翻译!

I wish this would be over now我希望这将会结束 But I know that I still need you here但我知道我还需要你 You say I'm crazy你说我疯了 Cause you don't think I know what you've done因为你不认为我知道你所做的一切 But when you call me baby但当你叫我宝贝 I know I'm not ...

求一首英文歌,男声,应该是近两年的歌。歌词有you say I'm crazy...

I know I'm not the only one 我知道 我不是唯一

Sam smith的reminds me of you 中英对照歌词谢谢

我只能想到你 I’ve got to get out of here 我必须从这里挣脱 Cause you never want me back 因为你再也不需要我了 You are moving on, moving on 你已经开始新的生活,新的生活 And I’m stuck on the track 我却困在追逐你的角落 I’ve gotta get out of here 我必须挣脱 Before I ...

Sam smith的reminds me of you 中英对照歌词谢谢

作曲:Sam Smith 专辑:《In The Lonely Hour》发行时间:2014-05-26 具体歌词:I've gotta get out of here 我得离开这里 This town's no longer fun 这个城市不再有趣 And I'm falling closer, falling closer 我越接近,越接近 Closer to the sun 靠近太阳 I've gotta get out of here...

latch这首歌的中文歌词(Sam Smith)

《Latch》歌手;Disclosure&Sam Smith 专辑;Sam Smith 歌手:Disclosure (解密兄弟)流派:Electronica 语言:英语 发行时间:2013-05-31 You lift my heart up when the rest of me is down 你离开我的心 徒留伤心失落的我 You, you enchant me even when you're not around 你,你让我着迷 即使...


I'm Not The Only One - Sam Smith You and me we made a vow For better or for worse I can't believe you let me down But the proof is in the way it hurts For months on end I've had my doubts Denying every tear I wish this would be over now But I know that I ...

找一首很老的英文歌,有前奏谱子,1998年听过,歌词有个什么 god na mi之...

is good and wind is better干燥和有风的天气再好不过Count the years you always knew it你要知道她一直过着度日如年的生活Strike a match go on and do it划着一根火柴,去迎接新生吧Days go by I'm hypnotized时间的流逝使我感到迷茫I'm walking on a wire我活着如同走在钢丝绳上I close...

歌词中yes i do,i believe是什么英文歌

Now I’m strong enough to say, I believe I believe in love, it’s the best of everything I believe in hope and the changes it can bring If you believe then nothing can stand in your way I believe It’s a fact of life that we’re all in the game But it’s still ...

...还跟速度与激情7那句when i see you again 很像


I never told you burningsam smith I told you so I am from India sam smith pray I have some I have a mat I was told I told you
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