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英语作文 急用!!!

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-15 21:39



热心网友 时间:2024-10-16 03:55

dear kangkang,
nice to hear from you. you said you wanted to know the differences between British Englsish and American English in you last mail. here is some examples. There are many difference there between there. Firstly, we should looks at the spellings. There are some words that means the same thing but they have differenr spelling in British English and American english, such as colour in British English and color in American English. Secondly there is some thing we should pay attention that is the pronunciation like "a" and "or". last but not the least the different expressions in each language becouse of culture difference. I think I can just give you some brief introduction of that. if you want to learn it well and figure this out,you should go and look it up on books or internet.hope you good luck with it.
best wishes.
yours sincerely tom

热心网友 时间:2024-10-16 03:55

Dear Kangkang,
I have known that you are fond of English, and you're wondering the difference between British English and American English. Now I will tell you some of the differences.
First,the spelling of American English is based on British English,and it is always simpler than British English, such as color and colour. The next coming is pronunciation.American English sounds casual and British English sounds formal.In this way, different English is used on different occasions. The last is expression. Take grammer as an example, British English uses aren't ,but American English uses ain't.
You can study them and wish you can get hold of them earlier.
Best wishes!
Yours, Tom

热心网友 时间:2024-10-16 03:49

Hi, Kangkang,

in your last email you asked me about diffenrences between British English and American English. I'm not a language expert, you know, but I do know there are some differences between British English and American English. First, the spelling of some words is different. The word "labor" in American English, for example, in British English it must be written as "labour". Second, the pronunciation of some words are diffenrent. When we American say "clerk" pronounced as "bird", British people call it "clerk" pronounced as "car". Last, some expressions are different. For example, in US people call the underground train as "subway", but in Britain people call it "underground".
I hope it would give you some help.

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