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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-15 16:26



热心网友 时间:2024-12-11 21:58

Good morning, sir and madam. My name is XX, 20 years old. i will graate from XXX soon and get the certificate. XX is my professional background. I spend a lot of time on my study in last four uni life, but my spare time is also wonderful. i joined some clubs to enjoy my uni life. i like playing basketball,swimming and singing, especially, singing is my favour. By the way, i am the DJ in my shool. i love the job, it's challenging. And i learned a lot from this job. i am warm hearted, open-minded and good to communicate with others. My energy and youth will recover the lack of work experience. i am quick leaner and hardworking. i absolutely believe that i can do this job and do it well.


热心网友 时间:2024-12-11 21:59

Good morning everyone! My name is XX. I'm now double decade and gaated from xxxx department. The diplomer will be sent to me in June. In the last 4 years, I spent most of my time in learning. But I still took part in verious of sports in order to make my life vivid. I like basketball, swimming and sings well. In addition, I worked as a DJ in college and this job gave me a chance to gain more experience. I'm a easycoming person and like to help others. Of couse, I don't have much working experience now, but I'm so young and I've got great ability to learn new things. The last but not lest is that I'm hard working. I'm sure I will do this job well.
很口语的表达 用的都是简单的词语 希望对你有用 相信我 人家好歹是英文专业的
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