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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-19 11:06



热心网友 时间:2024-10-19 11:17

英文中的"废寝忘食"可以用多种表达来表示,主要体现了对某事的极度专注和投入,以至于忽视了基本的生活需求。例如,"lose sleep and forget to eat from anxiety, etc.",意为由于焦虑等情绪,导致彻夜未眠并忘记进食。"disregard meal times and go without sleep",直接描述了不按时吃饭、熬夜工作的场景。"do sth. almost to the gross neglect of one's health, losing sleep and weight",强调的是对健康的严重忽视,包括睡眠和体重的下降。

在实际语境中,"But once for own enterprise diligently, neglected to eat and sleep",展示了对事业的全身心投入。"Building model trains is his consuming passion",将废寝忘食的爱好具体化为制作模型火车。"Mr. Smith was always found in business; neglecting his meals and sleep",描述了史密斯先生工作的忘我状态。"So diligently does he work that he often forgets to eat and sleep",用倒装句强调了他的勤奋。"When deeply absorbed in work, which he often was, he would forget all about eating and sleeping",进一步描绘了专心致志时的忘我状态。"Absorbed in the work, he neglected food and sleep",同样强调了专注工作带来的影响。

同时,"The book is so interesting that it takes complete possession of him",说明某本书的吸引力让读者达到了忘食忘寝的程度。"The novel was so absorbing that she read on without a break even forgetting food and sleep",则描绘了阅读沉浸式的体验。"I actually have them sign a form saying you will be running, you will skip meals, you will not get sleep",则在工作场景中,明确表示了需要废寝忘食的承诺。"When involved in something interesting they can completely forget that they need to eat",指出当人们沉浸在有趣的事物中时,可能达到废寝忘食的境地。

最后,"Innovative self-expansion as the main core of sleepless nights to ride out the storm, the majority of successful enterprises belong to this type",表明创新型企业为了应对挑战,常常需要付出废寝忘食的努力。

热心网友 时间:2024-10-19 11:17

英文中的"废寝忘食"可以用多种表达来表示,主要体现了对某事的极度专注和投入,以至于忽视了基本的生活需求。例如,"lose sleep and forget to eat from anxiety, etc.",意为由于焦虑等情绪,导致彻夜未眠并忘记进食。"disregard meal times and go without sleep",直接描述了不按时吃饭、熬夜工作的场景。"do sth. almost to the gross neglect of one's health, losing sleep and weight",强调的是对健康的严重忽视,包括睡眠和体重的下降。

在实际语境中,"But once for own enterprise diligently, neglected to eat and sleep",展示了对事业的全身心投入。"Building model trains is his consuming passion",将废寝忘食的爱好具体化为制作模型火车。"Mr. Smith was always found in business; neglecting his meals and sleep",描述了史密斯先生工作的忘我状态。"So diligently does he work that he often forgets to eat and sleep",用倒装句强调了他的勤奋。"When deeply absorbed in work, which he often was, he would forget all about eating and sleeping",进一步描绘了专心致志时的忘我状态。"Absorbed in the work, he neglected food and sleep",同样强调了专注工作带来的影响。

同时,"The book is so interesting that it takes complete possession of him",说明某本书的吸引力让读者达到了忘食忘寝的程度。"The novel was so absorbing that she read on without a break even forgetting food and sleep",则描绘了阅读沉浸式的体验。"I actually have them sign a form saying you will be running, you will skip meals, you will not get sleep",则在工作场景中,明确表示了需要废寝忘食的承诺。"When involved in something interesting they can completely forget that they need to eat",指出当人们沉浸在有趣的事物中时,可能达到废寝忘食的境地。

最后,"Innovative self-expansion as the main core of sleepless nights to ride out the storm, the majority of successful enterprises belong to this type",表明创新型企业为了应对挑战,常常需要付出废寝忘食的努力。
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