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假如你校在举办征文活动,题目为"How to Overcome Test Anxiety",请...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-19 10:55



热心网友 时间:2024-11-11 23:05

How to overcome test anxietyThere is a undoubtable truth which is students usaully get more and more anxious as tests approach. But an axciety have more negative affecting than positive. This is also a reason for those students who failed their exams. How to overcome test anxiety? Today, we are going to tell you the skills and help you to do better in your tests. Firstly, do not think too much that you have a test. There is nothing to worry about if you have done the revisions properly. A test is a standard which merely indicate how well you learned in this chapter. Secondly, when you feel really nervous, do deep breathe which helps you calm down a little bit. Finally, don't be nervous in a test when you have any hard or difficult question. Always remember that if there are question you don't know during exams, you still have chance to ask a teacher when that exam is finished.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-11 23:04

How to overcome test anxietyThere is a undoubtable truth which is students usaully get more and more anxious as tests approach. But an axciety have more negative affecting than positive. This is also a reason for those students who failed their exams. How to overcome test anxiety? Today, we are going to tell you the skills and help you to do better in your tests. Firstly, do not think too much that you have a test. There is nothing to worry about if you have done the revisions properly. A test is a standard which merely indicate how well you learned in this chapter. Secondly, when you feel really nervous, do deep breathe which helps you calm down a little bit. Finally, don't be nervous in a test when you have any hard or difficult question. Always remember that if there are question you don't know during exams, you still have chance to ask a teacher when that exam is finished.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-11 23:06

How to overcome test anxietyThere is a undoubtable truth which is students usaully get more and more anxious as tests approach. But an axciety have more negative affecting than positive. This is also a reason for those students who failed their exams. How to overcome test anxiety? Today, we are going to tell you the skills and help you to do better in your tests. Firstly, do not think too much that you have a test. There is nothing to worry about if you have done the revisions properly. A test is a standard which merely indicate how well you learned in this chapter. Secondly, when you feel really nervous, do deep breathe which helps you calm down a little bit. Finally, don't be nervous in a test when you have any hard or difficult question. Always remember that if there are question you don't know during exams, you still have chance to ask a teacher when that exam is finished.
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