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Robert Palmer的《Sweet Lies》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-18 00:12



热心网友 时间:2024-11-15 17:43

Sweet Lies
歌手 いとうかなこ
作词 渡边カズヒロ 作编曲 矶江俊道
Please tell me lies (Tell me you'll always be)
Sweet scented lies (Hold me, speak love to me)
I can't let go (Your heat inside)
Lying here alone
Please tell me lies (Teach me the love I need)
Your funny little lies (Touch me and smile once more)
Why did you go? (The warmth is lost)
This room is so cold
(And I) don't know if I can make it on my own
Your kiss
Your sweet caress
Your heartbeat
Call my name
But all are Ghosts
That haunt my heart (Tears keep falling)
I'd give up anything the world can ever offer
I give my heart to you. There'll never be no other
Just to be by your side
Just to feel your breath beside mine
I'd give my soul if I had to, No, nothing ever matters
I'll give up everything, the only one desire
I give my heart to you and that will be forever
Just to feel you inside
Just to feel your heartbeat with mine
I'm yours to take forever. No, nothing ever matters
So please
Please tell me lies (Tell me you always be)
Soft gentle lies (Hold me, speak love to me)
I can't let go (Your heat inside)
I'm here so alone
(And I) don't know if I can make it on my own
Your kiss
Your sweet caress
Your heartbeat
I call your name
But now they're Ghosts
That haunt my heart (Tears keep falling)
I'd give up anything the world can ever offer
I give my heart to you. There'll never be no other
Just to be by your side
Just to feel your breath beside mine
I'd give my soul if I had to, No, nothing ever matters
I'll give up everything, the only one desire
I give my heart to you and that will be forever
Just to feel you inside
Just to feel your heartbeat with mine
I'm yours to take forever. No, nothing ever matters(So please)
I'd give up anyting the world can ever offer(Your sweet lies)
I give my heart to you. There'll never be no other
(You make me feel) Just to be by your side
Just to feel your breath beside mine(That I'm not alone)
I'd give my soul if I had to, No, nothing ever matters(Please tell me lies)
I'll give up everything, the only one desire(Your sweet lies)
I give my heart to you and that will be forever(You make me feel)
Just to feel you inside
Just to feel your heartbeat with mine(That I'm not alone)
I'm yours to take forever. No, nothing ever matters(So Please tell me lies)
So please

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