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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-17 21:38



热心网友 时间:2024-11-24 15:58

Although computers are heavily integrated into our everyday lives today, there are many disadvantages of computers in comparison to books.

Firstly, as it is now a part of our lives, many people cannot work or live without one. Similarly with the abundance of computer virus around, our documents and personal information are not safe. Whereas the books can be preserved for centuries.

Secondly, starring into the computer screen for prolonged periods of time is harmful to our eyes. When the physical weight matters, books outweigh personal computers by far as they are light weight as oppose to the brick heavy computers.

Last but not least, not everyone s able to afford one. This is especially the case in rural areas where the annual income may not even afford a small personal computer.


热心网友 时间:2024-11-24 15:59

呵呵 我来啦 要把分给我哦 我好好给你写
这里大小写我就先不区分了 可以加快我打字的速度
today,many people start use computer to learn ,communicateand so on.but we know that computer is not so good .and maybe book is more useful.

At frist,computer is so expersiven and many people can not afford it.then computer is not safy ,book can save more time than it.next,computer can not work without eletrity.and if we play it long time ,our eyes can feel bad .but the book is good .for example ,book can be taked everywhere.

so ,i think book is better than computer.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-24 15:59

1.There are many people can not buy the computer because it is expensive.
2.computer can not work without eletrity.
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