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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-18 13:29



热心网友 时间:2024-10-27 14:58

1. "Proud of You" - Please provide a proper title or artist as this phrase is commonly associated with a song by Diana Ross, or a cover by Michael Bublé. If you refer to a different song, specify the artist.
2. "You Are Sunshine" - This could be a reference to "You Are My Sunshine," a classic American folk song. If it's another song you have in mind, please clarify the artist or title.
3. "Bye Bye Bye" - This could refer to several songs; most famously "Bye Bye Bye" by *NSYNC. Please specify the artist or title for clarity.
4. "Rather Be" - A popular song by Clean Bandit ft. Jess Glynne.
5. "Trouble Is My Friend" - This could be "Trouble is a Friend of Mine" by Lenka.
6. "The Show" - A song by Lenka.
7. "Love You Like a Love Song" - Selena Gomez & the Scene.
8. "Baby One More Time" - Britney Spears.
9. "Hold It Against Me" - Britney Spears.
10. "California Girls" - Katy Perry.
11. "Girlfriend" - Avril Lavigne.
12. "I Wanna Go" - Britney Spears.
13. "Honey and the Bee" - Owl City.
14. "Call Me Maybe" - Carly Rae Jepsen.
15. "Teenage Dream" - Katy Perry.
16. "We're Never Ever Getting Back Together" - Taylor Swift.
17. "Wish You Were Here" - Avril Lavigne.
18. "Love the Way You Lie" - Rihanna ft. Eminem.
19. "Do Something" - Britney Spears.
20. "TikTok" - Ke$ha.
21. "Run Devil Run" - Ke$ha.
22. "DNA" - Little Mix.
23. "Who Says" - Selena Gomez.
24. "Burning" - Maria Arredondo.
25. "Passion is sweet love makes weak" - Provide the correct title or artist, as this does not appear to be a recognized hit.
26. "If you're near if you're far" - Again, specify the title or artist as this seems to be a fragment of a song rather than a recognized title.
Please provide accurate titles and artists for the songs you're seeking, or else specify the context in which you heard them to receive more precise recommendations.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-27 14:58

1. "Proud of You" - Please provide a proper title or artist as this phrase is commonly associated with a song by Diana Ross, or a cover by Michael Bublé. If you refer to a different song, specify the artist.
2. "You Are Sunshine" - This could be a reference to "You Are My Sunshine," a classic American folk song. If it's another song you have in mind, please clarify the artist or title.
3. "Bye Bye Bye" - This could refer to several songs; most famously "Bye Bye Bye" by *NSYNC. Please specify the artist or title for clarity.
4. "Rather Be" - A popular song by Clean Bandit ft. Jess Glynne.
5. "Trouble Is My Friend" - This could be "Trouble is a Friend of Mine" by Lenka.
6. "The Show" - A song by Lenka.
7. "Love You Like a Love Song" - Selena Gomez & the Scene.
8. "Baby One More Time" - Britney Spears.
9. "Hold It Against Me" - Britney Spears.
10. "California Girls" - Katy Perry.
11. "Girlfriend" - Avril Lavigne.
12. "I Wanna Go" - Britney Spears.
13. "Honey and the Bee" - Owl City.
14. "Call Me Maybe" - Carly Rae Jepsen.
15. "Teenage Dream" - Katy Perry.
16. "We're Never Ever Getting Back Together" - Taylor Swift.
17. "Wish You Were Here" - Avril Lavigne.
18. "Love the Way You Lie" - Rihanna ft. Eminem.
19. "Do Something" - Britney Spears.
20. "TikTok" - Ke$ha.
21. "Run Devil Run" - Ke$ha.
22. "DNA" - Little Mix.
23. "Who Says" - Selena Gomez.
24. "Burning" - Maria Arredondo.
25. "Passion is sweet love makes weak" - Provide the correct title or artist, as this does not appear to be a recognized hit.
26. "If you're near if you're far" - Again, specify the title or artist as this seems to be a fragment of a song rather than a recognized title.
Please provide accurate titles and artists for the songs you're seeking, or else specify the context in which you heard them to receive more precise recommendations.
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