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小学生英语自我介绍翻译 急啊···明天就要···

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-18 13:21



热心网友 时间:2024-11-10 10:05

Please allow me to introduce myself.My name is xxx,and I'm in Class Two,Grade Five.I'm a humorous boy/girl,always laughs. I sincerely treats others,so I have many friends.What's more,my hobbies are playing computer games,surfing on the Internet,reading horror stories and playing musical instruments.
Ok,that's all about me.If you still don't understand me,no matter,I'll play "the londonderry" for you then.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-10 10:13

Good morning/afternoon ,everyone! My name is XXX and I am in Class 2 Grade 5. I am a humourous boy/girl always with a smile in my face. Because I am friendly to others , I have a lot of friends. My hobby is playing computer ,reading horror fictions and playing musical instrument. Well, that is all of me. Now do you know a little about me? If no, I will play Londonderry with my violin for you!

热心网友 时间:2024-11-10 10:10

Good morning,everyone! My name is xxx. I'm in Class2 Grade 5. I'm a humorous person. And in my classmates' eyes, I always smile. I'm kind and friendly,so I have many friends. Playing computers, watching horror films and playing musical instruments are my hobbies.
Ok, this is me. Now, do you know me? If not, I will use my instument to play a solo for you.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-10 10:10

Hi everyone! I'm XXX, studying in Grade 5 class 2 (看你在哪里就读,班级的叫法会不同). I'm a humorous guy, I'm always smiling. I'm a sincere person and therefore I have lots of friends. My hobbies include computers, reading horror novels and playing musical instruments.

Ok, this is me. Do you get an idea what kind of a person I am? If not, I will perform a tune, titled "Little Tune from London Delhi" using my musical instrument for you.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-10 10:07

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