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英语翻译 请路过看下!!急!!翻成演讲稿

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-18 17:57



热心网友 时间:2024-12-09 17:51





热心网友 时间:2024-12-09 17:51

In the building of world-class modern financial enterprises in the process, how to set up full of vigor and vitality, and reflects the characteristics of the times, unique corporate culture, training employees entrepreneurial spirit and identity of the core values of the Instrial and Commercial Bank before becoming an important issue before us. In this paper, only to Instrial and Commercial Bank of enterprise culture to explore ways.

The first is "used to." Western instrial countries, corporate culture theory "used to" use them. Western culture is a natural understanding of the working people and transform the natural, social awareness, a direct result of the transformation of society, the social development of large-scale proction of a proct, is the common wealth of mankind. It should be noted that in today's corporate culture is the dissemination of market-oriented enterprises to continuously improve their practice of modern management requirements.
The second is to inherit. ICBC building corporate culture of the motherland can not inherit the fine cultural heritage. Traditional Chinese culture is the history of the late philosopher concise summary of an ancient civilization thousands of precipitation is our corporate culture inexhaustible treasure-house of ideas. At the same time, ICBC succession by more than 20 years of practice, the accumulation of corporate culture on the basis of commercial banks in accordance with the external environment and internal conditions, such as business strategy changes, the future development needs of the development of perspective and innovative thinking to the original There are corporate culture integration, refining and innovation, giving it a new era of content, to further highlight the Instrial and Commercial Bank of its own characteristics.

The third is to cultivate: (1) adhere to people-oriented, and reflects the thinking of the people. (B) to shape the corporate leadership team a good image. Enterprise culture, whether physical layer, layer system, the spirit level through the leadership of the organization, to transfer employees to transfer the outside world; (c) of the ICBC building of enterprise culture as a whole to have goals, which should have a scientific basis for decision-making, should be Safeguards. (D) of the organization to carry out a variety of cultural and recreational activities, the staff satisfy the spiritual and cultural needs, train workers "extended family" feelings, enhance cohesion and solidarity.

The fourth is innovation. First, the overall plan for further work and clearly define the responsibilities, a clear division of labor, straighten out the relationship, and graally build a corporate culture concive to strengthening the building of the organization, is concive to the implementation of enterprise culture of accountability mechanisms will help to mobilize the various functional departments and the general staff Initiative and creativity to promote the system. The second is to focus on in order to foster and establish advanced enterprise management as the breakthrough point, to entrepreneurship, business philosophy and core values into the work of the staff of motivation and initiative, re-establish the integrity, accountability, transparency norms, Mature and stable and dynamic modern image of the bank; innovation system based on culture, enterprise culture and management innovation, system innovation combined with the progressive realization of the cultural management system and the idea of closely co-ordinated, including the formation of cultural management, credit culture , The risk of culture, cultural marketing, service culture, quality of culture, the image of cultural, professional and cultural systems to promote the sustainable management of the upgrade, to play a corporate culture of cohesion, motivation, coordination, bound to shape functions within the enterprise to create and promote An active and healthy, lively and harmonious atmosphere in the spirit. ICBC propaganda initiated by management, entrepreneurship, values, leadership at all levels and the general staff to further deepen the culture of awareness of the importance and necessity to increase participation in corporate culture and consciousness-building initiative, the ICBC is the fourth service To achieve the "international stars".



热心网友 时间:2024-12-09 17:52

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