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...演讲稿“I want to be an actor/actress”,5分钟左右,高分悬赏...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-18 19:26



热心网友 时间:2024-11-16 10:36

Each person, there are countless wishes; Each person, hope his wish to come... And I, is no exception oh!!!!!
At a young age, I will have great acting talent, always to the TV set, animals in imitation up. Every time imitate, will draw \"audience\" praise, the more they will like this, I will show more seriously.
Once, home to a large group of guests, all come to my house to a happy New Year. I thought: \"since it is the New Year, I so everyone in my family had open happy nature home, ha ha, I go to room to change\" costume \", and give them a paragraph show a dream of red mansions jia baoyu's skyscrapers. Lin daiyu aussi\"
Talk to you was turned, suddenly, I pulled up by sheets for the \"costume\", to down the hall. Picked up \"receiver\", to pretend they said in all seriousness: \"everyone audience hello! Now, by myself for show\" a dream of red mansions \"of the skyscrapers.\"
Then, I will \"vain yi ah\" sing to rise. The performance on the way, of course also a bit unexpected things happen-was \"costume\" tripped over, because I was a little! At this time I haven't been this little problems down, was very quick-witted, sit on the ground gracefully \"cry\" rise. You see I really \"cry\", the audience for a mother said: \"your house, dream in performing still really not bad! Send her to YiJiao reading good!\" My mother smiled: \"she is still too young, more to send her away.\" It is their words, just let my \"actors dream\" maintain until now.
Sometimes, I often think: \"mother, you know? A man has a ideal is not easy! Mainly is the struggle for and hard work, you are not always said I so like watching TV? Actually, because I want to learn the actors acting!\"
I, for your own dream to struggle!希望对你有帮助!!!!!!

热心网友 时间:2024-11-16 10:39

I want to be an actor/actress

I am zhang shan. I just love acting. I can’t stop thinking about it day and night. It’s a dream and I really want it to come true, I watch TV shows everyday and I see kids under my age can get on the big screen, and it has sparked me to also get into Hollywood(好莱坞).This has been my dream for a little under 10 years and it’s all I think about at home, school and everywhere I go. I have a great personality and a sunny smile that can brighten anyone’s day. if given the chance, I will work hard to prove that my big dream is actually a realistic goal.

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