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热心网友 时间:2024-10-19 03:40

The design is a real and engineers, not only should the minds of innovative design, material and should be aware that a reasonable use of design. Understanding of the proction process. Should know how to prepare for mass proction. Of course, which requires the entire team of communication and common efforts to achieve.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-19 03:41

一个真正的设计 a true design
是和工程师 (什麽意思?)is with engineer ?
A true designer and engineer, beside possesses a creative mind, need to know and understand materials and apply them suitably in his design. Understands the art of proctions. Should be able to prepare for mass proction. Of course, this also needs proper communications and team efforts to achieve.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-19 03:41

The design is a real and engineers, not only should have the minds of innovation design, but also should master the material and their usage of design correctly. Be familiar with the proction process. Should know how to prepare for quantity proction. Of course, which requires the entire team of communication and common efforts to achieve.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-19 03:42

One true designer and engineer should possess both creative mind and the ability to utilize the material into the design based on the knowledge of it. He should completely comprehend the process and knows how to get preparation for mass proction. Of course,it's realization depends more on the communication and endeavor of the whole team.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-19 03:42

A true designer and engineer should not only have a creative brain, but also have the ability to be acquainted with the materials and use them properly in the designing process. He should know the process of the proction and make the orginal model ready for the mass proction. Of course, this requires the communication and endeavor of the whole team.
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