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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-23 08:02



热心网友 时间:2024-11-08 15:46


yes..sorry for being a rude..but then im reli pissed on the way some friends been asking for sites and laughing at her.. o and yea...some thing im not reli sure.. is that really true that she like those pretty clothes so that she choose to be *** or some family problem??


and as i have read the news agn.. it was some friends who teach her to be a *** ... if like if im one of a erment or something.. i swear to god i will find those people...

Hey Wayne! You no who i m
Nank here! Well
as you know my relationship with *** WEll
i have to say sumthin' abt that. Well
i m hard to accept that there are guys who chop a cute little girl into pieces
they seems no differences from the japs in the rape of nanking As i m extremely detest on those jerks who mix up sex with violence and sins. And
male bully female by physical strength. As u know
i pay absolutely no discrimination of those who sacrifise their sexual conservancy to fight for their own life. DUn u think that some ppl deserves brand clothes while the poor guy deserves no such that material things? They r girls! Girls should not suffer from how our society is formed. For her occupation of *** .I just pay respect to her courage to practise a new way to live her life.And
from her face
i can see her sorrow and hope for her future
she is a good and spiritual girl. and i m sure i will fall in love with her. How can those *****ing jerks do such things out! WHy those bastard deserve to have a dick! Down with the pharllic disorder guys! And those HYPROCRITE who look down upon the girls and boys who is working on *** there. What do you think your sense of moralty came from? From the TVB series?or simply ur kinderkaten teacher. THose guy who is still in school. I think you should find some one
who look like to such bastard or hypocrate
bully the rite person is the most holly job in ur adolescence! And
she 's passed away. No matter whatt she did is rite
or wrong or any other thing else IT is over
her life was wrtiien by destiny she is jsut a victim of fortune
like me and you WHy dont just let go? Leave the painful human life
and go to somewhere that will be really nice. What r u ppl yelling at?
参考: Sumone die
and everything is over.
At first
I agree with you that people should not deprived her privacy after she die. and ignored her family's feelings. But I am disagree with your indecent manner here
you kept on talking some vulgar words
the inconsiderate 网友 are indecent but you're not poilte too. About 王嘉梅
I think may be she has some difficulties to *** like her mother is poor and her relationship with her dad was not well
but i think she did it was becoz of she loves brand names and beautiful clothes as u can see the news showed that she had many shoes. No matter what and why she did that
I hope she can also RIP becoz no matter what she did
it is sad to hear a young girl die in this kind...this cruel way. Hope she can rest in peace la!
参考: ME

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