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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-23 02:35



热心网友 时间:2024-10-26 18:10

Dear Mike:
Next month I'm going to take the plane to dragon aircraft travel, you help me to have a look my travel plans! Shennong has many wonderful geological wonders. Safflower rural territory in a tidal river, the river one day three Chung, early in the evening every high tide time, each lasting for half an hour. At high tide, water color due to seasonal and different dry season, water color, turbidity, the rainy season, water bi. The climate of Shennongjia with each rising 100 meters above sea level, the low temperature1℃, seasonal difference of 3--4 days. With increased elevation gradually appearing in warm temperate, warm temperate, cold wave with various climate types, different locations inside the temperature from winter minimum temperature of - 20 DEG C to summer the temperature of 37 ℃. At the end of September to April of next year Shennongjia frost period. " Foot of the peak summer spring, Yamahayama Akiyama top ice, enough to see the green red orange, spring summer autumn and winter the most difficult" is a true portrayal of the climate of Shennongjia. Shennongjia stereo climate is apparent," east of sunrise west rain" phenomena often occur. Its spatial-temporal climate change is bigger," June October snow, frost, there are four seasons in a day .". The ancient long geographical changes and relatively closed environment, the territory of Shennongjia is rich in natural resources. A biological resources. The existing forest area of 1618square kilometers, vivid stumpage save up measures 20190000 stere, carry out "the day maintains a project", forest net annual growth volume of 290000 cubic meters. There are all kinds of more than 3700 plants. A higher vascular plants of 119 families,872 genera,2671 species, listed as the state protection of one or two species39. There are all kinds of animal to more than 1060 species, of which33 kinds of amphibians,40 species of reptile,76 kinds of mammals,47 species of fish,308 species of birds,560 species of insects. Shennongjia white animal with a white eagle, white deer, deer, squirrel monkey, white white, white, white crow, white turtle and the Pyrenees. Sounds good! Shennongjia has beautiful jungle, there are a lot of wild animal! I intend to take more photos, and bring you to see.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-26 18:07

Dear James,
I'm glad to tell you that I‘m going to Shennongjia next month.Shennongjia is in hubei province.It
is fantastic,and it has a lot of beautiful sceneries.Shennongjia is like a charming forest,and it has many wild animals and plants.I plan to take some pictures,and I'll bring them to you.Now I can't wait to go there.Just wait for my news!
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