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Slipout the back歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-23 12:48



热心网友 时间:2024-11-02 16:02

you know me, i used to get caught up in everyday life
tried to make it through my day so i could sleep at night
tried to figure out my way through the maze
of rights and wrongs, but like you used to say
nothing feels like it's really worth it
forget perfect, i'm trying not to be worthless
since i last saw you i been lookin for a purpose
well i met this kid who thought like i did
he had a weird way of lookin at it
this is what he said

slip out the back before they know you were there
and at the worst you'll see nobody cares
cos you dont wana be around when it all goes down
even heroes know when to be scared
slip out the back before they know you were there
and at the worst you'll see nobody cares
cos you dont wana be around when it all goes down
even heroes know when to be scared

i dont remember where i met him or remember his name
but he walked funny like he was too big for his frame
just over five foot but he weighed a buck fifty
and what he said just seemed so right it stuck with me
listen its like poker you can play your best
but you got to know when to fold your cards and take a rest
and know when to hold your cards and hold your breath
and hope that nobody else is stacking the deck because
i dont need to tell you that life isnt fair, it doesnt care
it momentarily cuts off your air,
and like you i want someone to say its okay
but in the truest parts of our hearts everybody's afraid
but just underappreciated and overwhelmed
fighting so hard to hide our fear that were scaring ourselves
you understand when im saying that you always did
but its different in the words of a cowardly kid

slip out the back before they know you were there
and at the worst you'll see nobody cares
cos you dont wana be around when it all goes down
even heroes know when to be scared
slip out the back before they know you were there
and at the worst you'll see nobody cares
cos you dont wana be around when it all goes down
even heroes know when to be scared

im no hero, you remember how i was, you know
all i ever did was worry, feeling out of control
to the point where everything was going end over end
im spinning around in circles again
this is where you come in
all of this to explain to you why
i had to separate myself away from yesterday's life
please remember this isn't how i hoped it would be
but i had to protect you from me
thats why i slipped out the back before you knew i was there
i know you felt unprepared
but every single time i was around i just bring you down
and i could tell that it was time to be scared
thats why i slipped out the back before you knew i was there
and i know the way i left wasnt fair
i didnt want to be around just to bring you down
im not a hero but dont think i didnt care

热心网友 时间:2024-11-02 16:03

en 那个是正解

trust me 我有碟
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