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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-23 10:00



热心网友 时间:2024-11-02 20:38


热心网友 时间:2024-11-02 20:38

1, beware of a small cigarette fires. In the bed, sofa, smoking, drinking and smoking, cigarette butts and ashes, once fell into the bedding, mosquito nets, clothes or the sofa, litter is not out of the matches, cigarette butts, etc., are easy to cause a fire. Therefore, it is prohibited in all flammable and explosive unit, material storage and all other smoking areas smoking is prohibited in maintenance and cleaning machine parts when the car smoking. Smoking should be to a safe zone, not to be put out cigarette butts did not lead people to the workplace. Correct the bad habit of smoking and can not smoke in bed or the sofa, do not smoke when they work and look for things, do not litter cigarette butts, and Stick, chaotic knock soot, not to ignite the cigarette butts everywhere misplacing so. Windy days to prohibit smoking in outdoor or wilderness, not allowed to bring matches, lighters and other fire into the forest.
2, careful use of fire. Such as the use of fire, lights inadvertently, urban residents, stove, firewall, fire pit, chimney, which do not meet the fire safety requirements, close to combustible materials or in disrepair, cracks, missed fire, and easily cause combustibles on fire. Urban residents, the use of coal gas, liquefied petroleum gas forgot to close the valve, or privately on the liquefied petroleum gas tank caused by gas leakage down in case of fire, open the electrical spark or static electricity will explode into flames. The use of liquefied petroleum gas, you can not use roasted, open Shui Tang, steam blowing liquefied petroleum gas cylinders; not on the radiator next to the roast; do not put a fire in the room with the fire heating the room, you can not use liquefied petroleum gas. Because the cylinder in case of leakage, it is easy to cause a fire.
3, safe use of electricity. To guard against electrical equipment and its installation does not meet the specifications, bad insulation, electrical wiring and electrical aging or overloaded, so as to avoid short circuit fire. Can not be a light bulb on the cover of paper or other combustible materials, without the cooling electric appliances will be placed in a place combustible or flammable materials will be placed on electric appliances, it will not indiscriminately take Luanla wires; the use of household electrical appliances, when, in the Remember to switch off after use the power on or off television sets, electric power state likely to cause a long time in the fire; should pay attention to the temperature-controlled electric heating apparatus, when the temperature control device or indicator of malfunction, the temperature is too high to avoid the fire;-power electric appliances can not be use of the wire cross-section or volume is too small too small switches, plugs, so as to avoid heat or ignition.
4, beware of fireworks and firecrackers fire. During the holiday season should not arbitrarily discharge of fireworks shall be discharged at designated locations. Fireworks during the explosion, was blown to pieces outside of the carton, with fire and fireworks are often the wind scraps of paper falling, therefore, firecrackers should pay attention to the surrounding environment. Setting off firecrackers to keep away from cotton, wood, straw stacks and other combustible materials. In the courtyard, the roof of the platform when the discharge of fireworks, combustible materials should be stacked with non-combustible material and covered up. Discharge of fireworks debris smoldering on Mars, we should immediately be extinguished. 5 or more windy weather, do not discharge of fireworks, otherwise easily lead to fires. Fireworks do not want to put heat and fire source, power supply and the prevention of rat bite place, in order to avoid unforeseen circumstances, cause harm. Prohibited fireworks by car, trains, ships and aircraft. We will also educate children, not to set off firecrackers inside the house or stove. Holidays away from home must be shut doors and windows to prevent fires caused by fireworks flew into the house.
In short, both in production and life in the winter are the high incidence of fire, the winter fire safety should be cause for a high degree of attention. New Year's Day, Spring Festival is approaching, but also pay attention to fire safety in order to avoid joy turning to sorrow.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-02 20:40

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