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美丽的神话(孙楠&韩红) 英文翻译

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-01 11:15



热心网友 时间:2024-10-31 01:29

Title: the myth of the beautiful

Touch familiar faces
I am waiting for your gentle
Even if the tears flooded the world
I will not let go
To bear alone per minute
Because I have promised
You and I moved between the familiar
Love should be awake
Jesus Christ never changes only the myth of love
Ebb and flow of true love regret never meet
Many times the number of dark bitter struggle struggle
Hold your hands so that you and I can always sub -

Pillow love snow ice
Really embracing to melt
Sway wind furnace fire
Immortal also over
Waiting for spring to spring bloom again
Years to come laugh at me mercilessly痴狂
Heart, such as any the world iron and steel waste
Miss wing quest
Jesus Christ never changes only the myth of love
Ebb and flow of true love regret never meet
Many times the number of dark bitter struggle struggle
Hold your hands so that you and I can always sub -
Only years of joys and sorrows of the myth of love is forever
No one has vowed to forget the oldest old
Your tears into the butterflies fluttering all over the sky
Love is the wind under the wings of two hearts to fly freely quest
Only years of joys and sorrows of the myth of love is forever
No one has vowed to forget the oldest old
Your tears into the butterflies fluttering all over the sky
Love is the wind under the wings of two hearts to fly freely quest
You are my heart the only beautiful myth

热心网友 时间:2024-10-31 01:29

The dreamboat is familiar with because face you will be gentle which I waited for the tears submerge world I not to drop each quarter lonely withstanding only I once to promise pledged that you between me familiar move liked being probable to regain consciousness the ten thousand th vicissitudes only to have the love are forever myth the tide have the ebb tide always the regret really not to like reaching agreement several pain entanglement how many dark night to struggle to grip tightly both hands to let me and you pillow the snow ice-bound are not in love with to minute on the the sincerity to support again can melt In the wind drags on stove's fire not to extinguish also continuous the waiting flower beginning of the spring the last spring to come the heartless years to smile my crazy crazy the heart like steel and iron, no matter what the world will go out of cultivation the missing forever to follow the ten thousand th vicissitudes only to have the love will be forever myth the tide has the ebb tide the regret not to like reaching agreement several pain entanglement how many dark night to struggle to grip tightly both hands to let me and you sorrow and joy years only does not have the love to minute the is again really throughout forever myth everybody does not have forgetting ancient pledge your tears to change into the color which everywhere will dance in the airButterfly the love is wind second the intentions under wing along with flies the sorrow and joy years only to have the love is comfortablely forever myth everybody does not have forgetting ancient pledge your tears to change into color butterfly which everywhere dances in the air the love is wind second the intentions under wing along with flies you are comfortablely in my heart only beautiful myth
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