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The Letter That Johnny Walker Read (1991 Digital Remaster) 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-01 15:02



热心网友 时间:2024-10-17 21:00

歌曲名:The Letter That Johnny Walker Read (1991 Digital Remaster)
歌手:Asleep At The Wheel
专辑:Texas Gold/Comin Right At Ya

The Letter That Jonny Walker Read
Johnny Walker sat at a table in a bar, minding his own affairs.
Drinking his namesake's gold on the rocks,
getting drunk, too drunk to care
When a girl in the bar walked up his side and this is what she said
She said: "A woman came by and left a letter for you."
this is what the letter said
Dear John, please Johnny please come home
I need your love and the kids they gotta be fed
And John, if you don't hurry back I'll be gone
Yes, that's what the letter said
The letter that Johnny Walker read
Then John, he got up from the table
Slowly he walked outside
He was thinking of his wife and little children back home
And how his drinking had ruined their lives
Then John he staggered off into the streetlight
And a vision filled his poor, poor heart with dread
For it was him lying drunk there in the gutter
Clutching in his hand the letter that Johnny Walker read
And this is what it said
Dear John, please Johnny please come home
I need your love and the kids they gotta be fed
And John, if you don't hurry back I'll be gone
Yes, that's what the letter said
The letter that Johnny Walker read
Dear John, please Johnny please come home
I need your love and the kids they gotta be fed...


热心网友 时间:2024-10-17 21:00

歌曲名:The Letter That Johnny Walker Read (1991 Digital Remaster)
歌手:Asleep At The Wheel
专辑:Texas Gold/Comin Right At Ya

The Letter That Jonny Walker Read
Johnny Walker sat at a table in a bar, minding his own affairs.
Drinking his namesake's gold on the rocks,
getting drunk, too drunk to care
When a girl in the bar walked up his side and this is what she said
She said: "A woman came by and left a letter for you."
this is what the letter said
Dear John, please Johnny please come home
I need your love and the kids they gotta be fed
And John, if you don't hurry back I'll be gone
Yes, that's what the letter said
The letter that Johnny Walker read
Then John, he got up from the table
Slowly he walked outside
He was thinking of his wife and little children back home
And how his drinking had ruined their lives
Then John he staggered off into the streetlight
And a vision filled his poor, poor heart with dread
For it was him lying drunk there in the gutter
Clutching in his hand the letter that Johnny Walker read
And this is what it said
Dear John, please Johnny please come home
I need your love and the kids they gotta be fed
And John, if you don't hurry back I'll be gone
Yes, that's what the letter said
The letter that Johnny Walker read
Dear John, please Johnny please come home
I need your love and the kids they gotta be fed...

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