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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-01 14:24



热心网友 时间:2024-10-28 06:41

Wavin' Flag(飘扬的旗帜)
2010南非世界杯主题曲 Wavin Flag歌词
when i get older i will be
stronger they'll call me freedom just
like a wavin flag

when i get older i will be
stronger they'll call me freedom just
like a waving flag
and then it goes back (3x)
ahhho ahhho ahhho

born to a throne
stronger than rome
but violent prone
poor people zone
but its my home
all i have known
where i got grown
streets we would roam

out of the darkness
i came the farthest
among the hardest survive
learn form these streets
it can be bleak
accept no defeet
surrender retreat
(so we struggling)
fighting to eat
(and we wondering)
when we will be free
so we patiently wait
for that faithful day
its not far away
but for now we say

when i get older i will be
stronger they'll call me freedom just
like a waving flag
and then it goes back (3x)

ahhho ahhho ahhho

so many wars
settling scores
bring us promises
leaving us poor
i heard them say
love is the way
love is the answer
thats what they say

but look how they treat us
make us believers
we fight there battles
then they deceive us
try to control us
they couldn't hold us

cause we just move forward
like buffalo soldiers
(but we strugglin)
fighting to eat
(and we wondering)
when we will be free
so we patiently wait
for that faithfully day
its not far away
but for now we say

when i get older i will be
stronger they'll call me freedom just
like a waving flag
and then it goes back (3x)

and then it goes when i get older i will be
stronger they'll call me freedom just
like a wavin flag
and then it goes back (3x)
ahhhooo ahhhoooo ahhhooo

and everybody will be singing it
and you and i will be singing it
and we all will be singing it
wo wah wo ah wo ah

when i get older i will be
stronger they'll call me freedom just
like a wavin flag
and then it goes back (3x)

and then it goes when i get older i will be
stronger they'll call me freedom just
like a wavin flag
and then it goes back (3x)
a oh a oh a oh

when i get older
when i get older
i will be stronger

just like a wavin flag (3x)
flag flag
just like a wavin flag

热心网友 时间:2024-10-28 06:42


热心网友 时间:2024-10-28 06:42


热心网友 时间:2024-10-28 06:43

waving flag

热心网友 时间:2024-10-28 06:43

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