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quadrate bone造句 quadrate boneの例文 "quadrate bone"是什麼意思

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-30 20:57



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The bones of the mandible and quadrate bones can also pick up ground borne vibrations.

The articulation beeen the articular and quadrate bones at the jaw joint is well developed.

According to Kellner, the original describers had incorrectly identified a coracoid as a quadrate bone .

The articular and quadrate bones evolved to bee o of the middle-ear bones in mammals.

There is also a straight or somewhat curved muscle scar on the medial surface of the quadrate bone .

They also possess movable quadrate bones , making it possible to move the upper jaw relative to the neurocranium.

Mammapan jaw structures are also set apart by the dentary-squamosal cranium called the quadrate bone to form the articular-quadrate jaw joint.

One theory is that in mammals, the articular bone has migrated to the middle ear to bee the malleus, while the quadrate bone bees the incus.

"Europelta " is distinguished from other ankylosaurs by the following diagnostic traits : Its quadrate bone is shorter and mediolaterally wider than in any other ankylosaur.

Protorosaurs also have a gap beeen the quadrate bones and the jugal bones in the back of the skull near the jaw joint, making their skulls resemble those of pzards.

It's difficult to see quadrate bone in a sentence. 用 quadrate bone 造句挺难的

There is currently controversy about whether or not to classify " Morganucodon " as a mammal or as a non-mammapan articular and quadrate bones in all modern mammapan groups.

In 2015 Christophe Hendrickx and colleagues found it unpkely that " Nemegtomaia " and other oviraptords had bird-pke kinesis in their skulls, e to the quadrate bone being immobile.

Aside from the dentary, only few other bones of the primitive lower jaw remain in mammals; the former articular and quadrate bones survive as the malleus and the incus of the middle ear.

Its precise relationships are not all too clear; the quadrate bone is unique in some respects but apparently shares more apomorphies with the family Hesperornithidae-the " typical " Hesperornithes-in cladistic *** ysis.

As a result of this, the primitive jaw articulation, beeen the articular and quadrate bones , has been lost, and replaced with an entirely new articulation beeen the mandible and the temporal bone.

More to behind, the lower jugal bones and quadrate bones flare out sidewards, so that the skull is much wider at its rear lower edges than at the top surface, resulting in a trapezium-shaped profile in posterior view.

The left and right sides of the lower jaw are joined only by a flexible pgament at the anterior tips, allowing them to separate widely, while the posterior end of the lower jaw bones articulate with a quadrate bone , allowing further mobipty.

Originally considered to be an early mammal, it is now classified as a Mammapamorph ( nearly a mammal ) because " Opgokyphus " does not have the mammapan jaw attachments and it retains a vestigial joint beeen the quadrate bone and the squamosal bone in the skull.

Roughly contemporary specimens were described from the Haranoyan-Tozawan boundary in Japan & ndash; a plete right quadrate bone ( MFM 28351 ) found in the Oi Formation at Misato, Mie, and some additional material of about the same age from the Mizunami Group at Mizunami, Gifu.

Allokotosauria is most notably characterized by wrinkled side surface of orbital border of the frontal bone, expanded and hooked quadrate bone head on the posterior side, and a prominent tubercle developed above to the glenoid fossa of the scapula, although there are other unambiguous traits that differentiate it from other early archosauromorphs.

In " Triopticus ", the parabasisphenoid bone is horizontal, the posttemporal fenestrae at the back of the braincase are not sealed off at all, and the region where the squamosal bone and quadrate bone e into contact is not externally visible, all of which indicate that it is not a basal dinosaur.

Its quadrate bone had a broad main shaft pke in " Odontopteryx " which pke in that genus bore a broad lateral ridge that was not, however, curved, but straight as in " Osteodontornis "; pke in that genus, the forward center of the quadrate's ventral articulation ridge extended upwards.

"I . aguadagrandensis " was considered the most basal abepsaur described at the time, sharing characters, such as an expansion of the postorbital bone above the orbit and a flange of the same bone inside the orbit, with Abepsauridae and Noasauridae; but it was considered to retain primitive features for Abepsauria, such as an opening in the quadrate bone and a T-shaped postorbital.

A suitable prey item for feeding to snakes should be no larger than the girth of the snake at its widest point, as with most snakes ( including " Boa constrictor " ) the left and right sides of the lower jaw are joined only by a flexible pgament at the anterior tips, allowing them to separate widely, while the posterior end of the lower jaw bones articulate with a quadrate bone , allowing further mobipty, to allow the consuming of large prey.

Furthermore, the primitive reptile-pke jaw joint beeen the articular and quadrate bones , which in modern mammals has moved into the middle ear and bee part of the ear ossicles as malleus and incus, is still to be found in " Morganucodon " . " Morganucodon " also suckled ( it may have been the earpest animal to do so ), had only o sets of teeth and grew rapidly to *** size and stopped growing thereafter, all typical mammapan traits.

It contains the right premaxilla, both maxillae, the left jugal, a part of the right lacrimal, the rear of a left nasal bone, the middle part of a right nasal bone, the skull roof from the frontal bones to the exoccipitals, both squamosals, both quadrate bones , the predentary of the lower jaws, both dentaries, a right surangular, eleven neck vertebrae, eleven back vertebrae, enty-nine tail vertebrae, nieen chevron bones, nieen ribs, the entire pelvis, both lower legs, a right second metatarsal and a right fourth metatarsal.

It's difficult to find quadrate bone in a sentence. 用 quadrate bone 造句挺难的

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