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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-01 00:20



热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 10:59

Field in favor of university students
Students in the field will make the majority of parents worry about children's safety, but also fear their children are not used in the field. In fact, sometimes in the field, university students will not meet, because his people did not trusted, while the costs will be high than those in the Mainland, but also sometimes there will be areas of employment restrictions. But this is a great opportunity to train students.

First of all, foreign students to study more acceptable to good ecation and a larger space for development. Secondly, can the independence of students, exercise self-care ability. There are in the field know more friends, good interpersonal relationships beyond the work of students benefits.

Therefore, I support the university students to the field.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 10:59

it is good for the students to study in another city

most parents would worried about their children's security and comfort when they are studying in another city. sometimes students would not adapt to their lives because of no trusted friends. other problems like higher fee and jod hunting are actully great chances to chasten students.

firstly,students who are studying in another city could get a better ecation and a better space to improve. secondly good chance to train students' independence. thirdly studying in another city can know more friends. it is good for students' future work to keep good relationships.

so i support to study in another city


Students in the field will make the majority of parents worry about children's safety, but also fear their children are not used in the field. In fact, sometimes in the field, university students will not meet, because his people did not trusted, while the costs will be high ...


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