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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-30 16:31



热心网友 时间:1小时前

1)Tom doesn't go to work by bus.
Does Tom go to work by bus?
2)Tom doesn't take the No.2 bus to get to work.
Does Tom take the No.2 bus to get to work?
3)I don't want to learn about math.
Do you want to learn about math?
4)Bruce Li doesn't do Chinese Kung fu.
Does Bruce Li do Chinese Kung fu?
5)Scoth doesn't work very long hours.
Does Scoth work very long hours?

热心网友 时间:1小时前

He brushes his teeth every morning.
1 He doesn't brush his teeth evry morning.
2 Does he brush his teeth every morning?

Tom has a shower after dinner .
1 Tom doesn't have a shower after dinner .
2 Does Tom have a shower after dinner ?

The bus takes him to work at 19:15 .
1 The bus doesn't take him to work at 19:15 .
2 Does the bus take him to work at 19:15 ?

She can play the piano.
1 She can't play the piano.
2 Can she play the piano?

I have a book.
1 I don't have a book.
2 Do tou have a book?

She has a dictionary.
1 She doesn't have a dictionary.
2 Does she have a dictionary?

Tom likes apples for dessert.
1 Tom doesn't like apples for dessert.
2 Does Tom like apples for dessert?

I play basketball every day.
1 I don'tplay basketball every day.
2 Do you play basketball every day?

I go to school every day .
1 I don't go to school every day.
2 Do you go to school every day?

She watches morning TV every day.
1 She doesn't watch morning TV every day.
2 Does she watch morning TV every day?

The running star eats well.
1 The running star doesn't eat well.
2 Does the running star eat well?

We want to play volleyball .
1 We don't want to play volleyball .
2 Do you want to play volleyball ?

They take a book to school.
1 They don't take a book to school.
2 Do they take a book to school?

Tom is gina's brother .
1 Tom isn't gina's brother .
2 Is Tom gina's brother ?

I can speak English .
1 I can't speak English .
2 Can you speak English ?

Her friends do homework at school.
1 Her friends don't do homework at school.
2 Do her friends do homework at school?

Tom does his homework ofter school .
1 Tom doesn't do his homework ofter school .
2 Do Tom do his homework ofter school ?

Jim's mother can play the guitar well.
1 Jim's mother can't play the guitar well.
2 Can Jim's mother play the guitar well?

Our teacher sings well .
1 Our teacher doesn't sing well .
2 Does our teacher sing well ?
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