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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-01 06:38



热心网友 时间:2024-10-09 09:44

August 30, 2007, the Tenth National People's Congress Standing Committee 29th meeting, adopted without a vote, "People's Republic of China anti-monopoly law." Anti-monopoly law set up, except for anti-trust law applies to the establishment of the system accordingly. Economic theory from the point of view, have a monopoly on the competition, the existence of defects, with the rationality of a monopoly. Monopoly in a particular situation to promote the role of economic law on the economy will suffer a major hindrance to its role, we call this kind of monopoly of the legitimate monopoly. Therefore, we have to distinguish between monopoly, anti-monopoly law on the illegal monopoly, non-efficient to stop monopoly at the same time, the creation of anti-monopoly law should be applicable to systems other than the monopoly of legitimate, effective monopoly "lenient." From the legislative point of view, as a result of anti-monopoly law is to protect the mechanism of competition and competitiveness of the order, with the typical uncertainty. Except for the appearance of the application system that can improve the anti-monopoly law and the national coordination of economic policies, but also improve the stability of the anti-monopoly law. This will enable the relevant enterprises to make their actions reasonable expectations, but also to enhance the effectiveness of anti-monopoly law and authority of law enforcement. Its own functions, in favor of co-ordination and development of anti-trust relationship between the economies of scale, to achieve effective competition; is concive to safeguarding the country's overall economic interests and social public interests; to avoid competition caused by the transition of the social waste of resources. In this paper, except for the first system from the application of the basis of economics, law basis to start to apply the exception to prove the necessity of system, the possibility of. Then collate and analyze the application of our anti-trust legislation, except the status quo system. Finally, on the basis of our existing legislation to inspect, improve China's anti-monopoly law on the application of the system except for legislative proposals put forward.



adopted without a vote, "People's Republic of China anti-monopoly law." Anti-monopoly law set up, except for anti-trust law applies to the establishment of the system accordingly. Economic theory from the point of view,


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