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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-01 05:33



热心网友 时间:2024-10-05 04:46

Dear john
Thank you so much for your letter. I am really glad to help you and offer you my opinion on how you can improve yourself on reading.
To be able to read and learn, which would consist of a few points for consideration:
1. When choosing books to read, never choose of any, which are too difficult or to easy ones, but those were just right for your reading level. This way, you can learn more, faster and easier.
2. The books you chose to read should be of your interest and useful to you as well, so when you are more interested in them you would have more interest to learn about them as well.
3. Some books you should just go over them without paying to much attention, but some you should read them thoroughly.
Finally, I think reading is a good habit, They are supplement of what your are learning from your studies. Sometimes it is rather important, because textbooks don't teach everything. Extra reading is rather essential. That' s where and why libraries came into being. If people want to do better with their studies, they cannot do without extra readings.
I hope my opinion could give you some help. And wish you every success with whatever you are studying. Meanwhile, if you have further question, please do not hesitate to ask. i am always here and happy to help.

Yours lihua

Yeung (Editor of XX News)


热心网友 时间:2024-10-05 04:53

Dear john
Thank you so much for your letter. I am really glad to help you and offer you my opinion on how you can improve yourself on reading.
To be able to read and learn, which would consist of a few points for consideration:
1. When choosing books to read, never choose of any, which are too difficult or to easy ones, but those were just right for your reading level. This way, you can learn more, faster and easier.
2. The books you chose to read should be of your interest and useful to you as well, so when you are more interested in them you would have more interest to learn about them as well.
3. Some books you should just go over them without paying to much attention, but some you should read them thoroughly.
Finally, I think reading is a good habit, They are supplement of what your are learning from your studies. Sometimes it is rather important, because textbooks don't teach everything. Extra reading is rather essential. That' s where and why libraries came into being. If people want to do better with their studies, they cannot do without extra readings.
I hope my opinion could give you some help. And wish you every success with whatever you are studying. Meanwhile, if you have further question, please do not hesitate to ask. i am always here and happy to help.

Yours lihua

Yeung (Editor of XX News)

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