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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-01 05:45



热心网友 时间:2024-10-25 04:23

Today I want to share a documentary film with you,called" Chinese on the tongue "by CCTV . By showing different regions of China
Gourmet , this documentary makes a detailed record of Chinese food culture change in the development of the long history, and reflects the development of modern China. The documentary not only makes the people from different countries feel the charm of Chinese
culture , and but also make so many people experience nostalgia and a sense of
belonging from cuisin.Through this documentary , people can deeply feel the charm of
Chinese culture . So many peple show their love to the film. Thank you for listening. Now let
us appreciate a piece of video from " Chinese tongue" !

热心网友 时间:2024-10-25 04:24

Today I want to share with you is a film in which CCTV's documentary "the tip of the tongue of the Chinese". The documentary presents different regions of Chinese Food, detailed record of changes China Food culture in the long history of development, which reflects the development of modern Chinese. This documentary is not only a good way to make people of different countries feel the charm of Chinese culture, and let many people feel homesickness and a sense of belonging from Food, through this film, people can deeply feel the charm of Chinese culture. Therefore, this film has received many love. Thank you. Now let us appreciate "a small fragment on the tip of the tongue China"!
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