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英语达人帮帮忙 汉译英 不要机器

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-01 09:35



热心网友 时间:2天前

however, honey , I will always and always love you, no matter what kind of person you are and no matter wether we will still be together or not in the future. With me, you shall never ever be loney. I am loving only you. If we can't be together, i would rather stay in your heart, even if one day, secretly, peacefully and quitely. Please do as i told. This is my first request but maybe the last one. I will be thankful. I love you and goodbye, my darling, kiss goodbye and forever... farewell...


热心网友 时间:2天前

But ,my dear,no matter what people you are,no matter whether we will be together or not,I will always love you. With me, you never will feel lonely.My only love is you.If we cannot be side by side,let me live in your heart,only if for one day a year,just live silently inside your heart. I beg you to let me do it.This is my first request,and possibly the last.
But thank you.....and I love you.
Good bye my dear
Good bye...
Good bye..or we will never see each other again.....


热心网友 时间:2天前

But, my darling, no matter whatever kind of person you are, no matter whether we can be together, I will love you, and do so forever. With me, you will never be alone. I will only be loving you. If we can't be together, I'm willing to live in your heart forever, even if it's only one day a year, quietly, in your heart.

I beg you to do so. This is my first request, also might be my last. I thank you... I love you... Farewell my darling, farewell now, or forever.

热心网友 时间:2天前

But - dear - Whosoever you are - Whether or not we'll be lovers - I will love you forever - With me - You will never be lonely - You are my only love - If we can't have each other - I am willing to live in your heart forever - silently - Even if one year comprises of only one day - I beg you have a go - This is the first thing I ask of you - and may be the last I ask of you - I thank you.... I love you.... Farewell Love Farewell.... See you, or never

热心网友 时间:2天前

But my dear, whether you are no matter what kind of people we will not be together, I will always love you and I have you I will never be lonely if we do not love you with that I would like to live forever in your mind even a year Only the day quietly in your heart, I pray you to do this is my first request may also be the last request I would like to thank you, I love you ....... .... Goodbye Dear Goodbye .. ... Goodbye or farewell

英语达人帮帮忙 汉译英 不要机器

But ,my dear,no matter what people you are,no matter whether we will be together or not,I will always love you. With me, you never will feel lonely.My only love is you.If we cannot be side by side,let me live in your heart,only if for one day a year,just live si...

英语达人帮忙 汉译英 机器不给分 歌词翻译

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of No.15 Hight School. My father is a teacher and my mother is a worker. They both love me. My father likes reading, so does my mother. And I like English very much. Also I'm good at drawing. On weekends, we often go to outdoor acitivites. I have a happy family.


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100分 请 英语达人 将 中文《轻暖时光》 翻译成 英文???另有奖励哟...

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