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5566的《挚爱》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-01 08:28



热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 20:27

专辑:C'est Si Bon(最棒冠军精选)

词:Anders Nillsson 曲:Anders Nillsson
I'm sorry for me buggin' you
sorry for being such a fool
God knows I've tried but I can't let go
I'm crazy 'bout you know who
I'm sorry for me needing you
sorry girl that you don't feel it too
I get the point, should be a man about it
I've never been good at that - no no
forgive me for being me
I've tried to let go
I know you got a boyfriend - another man
another guy by your side
someone who hopefully treats you right
but you don't know how much I wish that I was
your boyfriend - that other guy
the only one who's allowed
in your room to lay in your arms at night
now you don't know how much I wish that I was your boyfriend
I'm sorry for me wanting you
sorry for not playing by the rules
but what would you do if you were in my shoes
feeling lost and blue Mnn
I'm sorry for me lovin' you
sorry for being such a fool
God knows I've tried but I can't let go
I'm crazy 'bout you know who
forgive me for being me
I've tried to let go
I know you got a boyfriend - another man
another guy by your side
someone who hopefully treats you right
but you don't know how much I wish that I was
your boyfriend - that other guy
the only one who's allowed
in your room to lay in your arms at night
now you don't know how much I wish that I was your boyfriend
another man is by your side
I hope he treats you right
I wish I was the only one
to lay in your arms at night
well you can't blame a guy for tryin'
now what else can I do
and how I wish that my prayers, thoughts and dreams
would become reality
I know you got a boyfriend - another man
another guy by your side
someone who hopefully treats you right
but you don't know how much I wish that I was
your boyfriend - that other guy
the only one who's allowed
in your room to lay in your arms at night
now you don't know how much I wish that I was your boyfriend
I know you got a boyfriend - another man
another guy by your side
someone who hopefully treats you right
but you don't know how much I wish that I was
your boyfriend - that other guy
the only one who's allowed
in your room to lay in your arms at night
now you don't know how much I wish that I was your boyfriend

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