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pic/s 成员国PIC/S,即药品检查合作计划(Pharmaceutical Inspection Convention and Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme),是一个由多个国家药品监管机构组成的国际合作组织。作为北京金瑞博企业咨询服务有限公司,我们深知PIC/S成员国间在药品监管、GMP检查等方面开展密切合作的重要性。这些成员国通过共享实践、统一检查标准,共同提升全球药品质量和安全性。我们为医药企业提供关于PIC/S标准的咨询服务,助力企业顺利进入国际市场。北京金瑞博企业咨询服务有限公司由张磊和合伙人共同创立,专注于为全球制药公司提供法规事务(药品注册)、GMP合规、质量管理数字化、市场准入以及相关工作。我们立志成为国内知名、国际有影响力的专家型咨询公司,为客户合规带来改变,对行业合...
要一篇 关于NBA的英文文章In the second week of February, the NBA interrupts its season to celebrate the annual NBA All-Star game, featuring the game's best players as selected by the general balloting10 of fans throughout the United States and Canada. After the NBA season concludes in the third week in...
求大家帮忙下篇关于科比的小文章(英文)Who are you, and what did you do with Kobe?We all know Kobe as being the man with ice water in his veins, the player that wants to rip your heart out, and wants the ball down 1 with seconds to play.Kobe wasn’t nervous when he was just 18 years old shooting potential...
介绍乔丹NBA生涯的英文文章Jordan was born in 1936 in New York, as a child are not tall Buaishuohua. However, he was known for the beginning of the University of North Carolina, he's acrobatic style of basketball into the campaign to force the pace and again and again into the basket. As a result ...
跪求英语演讲稿(关于NBA、时间2~3分钟)?Now in his second NBA season, Yao is a dominating player who has helped transform the Houston Rockets into a playoff contender. Yao Ming also makes a big fortune after he proves that he is qualified as a NBA star. He maybe is the richest Chinese sport player. And thousands ...
介绍科比的英文文章Kobe Bryant was born on August 23, 1978 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.(Kobe Bryant,1978年8月23日出生于美国宾夕法尼亚州费城。)Former NBA player, shooting guard/small forward (swingman).(前美国职业篮球运动员,司职得分后卫/小前锋(锋卫摇摆人)。)Nicknamed "the black mamba"/" ...
哪位仁兄帮我写篇英文的介绍科比的文章?help the lake people to capture in 2001the NBA total champion; 2002 year: Was elected the NBA second battle formation; 2001 year: The total finals confrontation pedestrian, the field 15.6minute, 4.6 secondary attack, help the lake people to capture in 2000the NBA total champion; 2000 year: ...
谁能贴一篇有关于 英雄 方面的文章啊,最好是篮球巨星的如果控球后卫的职责类似带领市民走向康庄大道的市长,Paul 无疑具备率领队友打造胜利蓝图的人格特质。Paul 是北卡州的家乡子弟,他高中最后一年平均拿下 30.8 分,是有名的家乡英雄。任何观看他在麦当劳明星赛送出十助攻或率队夺得全美 AAU 赛事冠军的人,都能了解他在当地球迷心中的份量从何而来。他...
NBA球星的文身及有什么意义 要详细的以前杰克逊的球实在打得不怎么样,可他就是文身的“文章”做得好,在他身上就文上了这样的一串汉字:“知人者智,自知者明”(出自老子道德经第33章),老外看不懂,中国人一见就不禁要对他竖起大拇指:“这是一名有学问的球员,孺子可教也!” 虽然杰克逊把他的文身隐藏得很好,一般照片都看不到文身,可NBA官方...
寻求七十年代到八十年代中国男篮名单~最好有每个人的介绍1、郭永林 郭永林,1954年出生于辽宁大连,中国篮球运动员,原中国男子篮球队队员,运动健将,优秀前锋,有“神投手”之美誉,1988年退役。1999年被评为新中国篮球运动50杰之一。郭永林从1970年开始学习打篮球,1974年进入武汉军区篮球队从事正规的篮球训练,1978年进入八一队, 1979年为国家队主力前锋...