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...she doesn't know which pair of jeans to buy , both?

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-01 08:07



热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 23:48

1.答案是B.衣服好看,用形容词nice.穿在谁身上,可以用介词词组on *** .表示.
2.答案是A.其他的学生,此处需要一个形容词,意思为“其他的”.other,形容词“其他的”,others,“其他”,是代词,else“其他的”,必须接在名词后面;another “另外一个”.
3.The Kemp family lived NEXT door to me.They were interesting and clever people.But they ARE always getting into some kinds of trouble .It was usually either illness OR accident,but there were others ,too.Their house CAUGHT fire twice and the whole family had to stay WITH me while repairs were made.The Kemps were always losing things,important things LIKE money or keys.Pictures often fell off the WALL in their house.the children often fell out of their BED at night.I used to weak UP in the morning and think "what strange thing will happen TO that family today?",8,1. B ,第一题必须和on搭配,look是系动词,其后用形容词做表语。2. A3. next, were, or, had caught, with, like, wall, bed, up, to,1,1.C look at 句型要求,look后面如果要加介词,一定要加at2.A3,0,1.C2.A,0,1.B 2.A,0,几道初三英语题
1、she doesn't know which pair of jeans to buy , both of them look ____ herA、well on B、nice on C、good at D、 beautiful with2、What are the ____ students doing now?A、other B、others C、else D、another 3、用所给词的正确形式填空 be,catch ,bed,next,wall,like,up,or,with,toThe Kemp family lived ____ door to me.They were interesting and clever people. But they ____ always getting into some kinds of trouble .It was usually either illness _____accident,but there were others ,too.Their house _____fire twice and the whole family had to stay____me while repairs were made.The Kemps were always losing things,important things _____money or keys.Pictures often fell off the _____in their house.the children often fell out of their ____ at night. I used to weak ____in the morning and think "what strange thing will happen _____ that family today?"
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