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求一篇关于‘学习是容易的’的英语作文 ,谢谢谢谢 ,万分感谢 !急~

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-01 07:53



热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 00:14

It's very easy for me to learn English because I spend much time on it and have good ways of learning English. In the morning, I like reading English and recite the new words for about half an hour. I often listen to the teacher carefully, take notes and take part in the descussion actively. I review what is learnt regularly and finish doing my homework carefully. Wnen I make mistakes, I often ask the teacher for help and correct them immediately. When I am free, I like listening to English programs, watching English movies and write diary in English. Practice makes perfect. So I think it's not difficult for me to learn English well.追问您好啊 ,我说的是 学习是容易的
以这个为主题 ~麻烦您了 ~

热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 00:15

When I was in Grade 7, my English was very poor. I even couldn't understand what my English teacher said in class. I felt so upset that I wanted to give up English. One day, Mrs Zhang, my English teacher asked me to go to her office and had a long talk with me. She encouraged me to study English well and gave me some good advice. This helped me a lot. I became confident from then on and made much progress. I believe my English will be much better in the future.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 00:15

There is an old saying goes,"Nothing is difficult for the man who will try." So, in my oppinion,study 'is very easy if you want to learn. Like many other students ,I used to think study is hard ,what's more, I used to hate learning .But my teacher told me that if you couldn't study well ,you would know nothing ,even didin't know the secret of the nature,you might jusl have a poor level in your spirit. So I began to put my heart in study ,sooner ,I found the interest of study ,and knew many thing that I had never heard all. And ,I graally fing that only if you take interest in study ,it will become easy and fanny. Knowledge is omnipotent(万能的),but if you don't study well,you will become a dwarf in your spirit.
求一篇关于‘学习是容易的’的英语作文 ,谢谢谢谢 ,万分感谢 !急~

It's very easy for me to learn English because I spend much time on it and have good ways of learning English. In the morning, I like reading English and recite the new words for about half an hour. I often listen to the teacher carefully, take notes and take part in th...


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Since i am going to be a Grade 3 student, it is very important to develop a good habit in learning. Here is how I can study well in the third year of middle school. First of all, get ready for the class before class. I should learn everything in class by heart and ...


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Somebody thinks learning English is very hard.Well,firstly,I think you should work hard at it.You should try to have a large vocabulary.If your vocabulary isn't large enough,you can hardly express yourself.Secondly,you should learn some grammar.A good command of grammer can guild ...


we can improve them by listening English tapes whtever it talks about during cleaning or some sports.The most stupid mothod is reading the same word again and again,it's useless and a wasting of time! English learning need to accumulate a lot and to understand a lot, but not ...

跪求 一篇 关于学习的英语短文 100左右单词 就行 谢了 急急急...

the way to keep the new words in mind ,the way to recite the common phase and make sure you will never forget them.But just remember : have confidence in yourself ,you can make it.很多学生都有这种同样的想法,就是英语难学。毫无疑问,我们都是地道的中国人,我们没有优越的条件...


stand out while you're reading.While listening, you can learn what the speakers say in a narrative or a dialogue it is also a good idea to try to imitate the speakers’ pronunciation and intonation, because it's good to your listening ability and your spoken-English.采纳哦 ...


Do you know why I teach myself English? That leads to a very sad story. After I had graduated from senior high school, I decided not to go to college, because my father suddenly fell ill on May 2, 2010. He had a stroke and he can't speak clearly. Most of the ...


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