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写一篇‘Many thing can affect our feeling'的英语短文!

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-30 17:28



热心网友 时间:2024-12-03 19:07

Many things we feel good because we can - have one,if beauty can and holding tightly to,one day it will be attributed to flat,often say more beautiful painting farther; hill station distance,and more spectacular ; flower,out of the basement smell,even more Hong; life,too,stand a distance away to leave life,tasted,so live every day as a hopeful and vibrant,fresh and moist.Many things we feel good because we can only - has one,if beauty can firmly grasp the hand,and finally one day it will be attributed to flat,often say more beautiful painting farther; hill station distance,and more spectacular ; flower,out of the basement smell,
More Hong; life,too,stand a distance away to leave life,tasted,so every day life as full of hope and vibrant,fresh and moist.Many things we feel good because we can - have one,if beauty can and holding tightly to,one day it will be attributed to flat,often say more beautiful painting farther; hill station distance,and more spectacular ; flower,out of the basement smell,even more Hong; life,too,stand a distance away to leave life,tasted,so live every day as a hopeful and vibrant,fresh and moist.
More Hong; life,too,stand a distance away to leave life,tasted,so every day life as full of hope and vibrant,fresh and moist.Many things we feel good because we can - have one,if beauty can and holding tightly to,one day it will be attributed to flat,often say more beautiful painting farther; hill station distance,and more spectacular ; flower,out of the basement smell,even more Hong; life,too,stand a distance away to leave life,tasted,so live every day as a hopeful and vibrant,fresh and moist.
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