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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-01 02:50



热心网友 时间:2024-11-17 03:02

Honesty: The Key to Success I recently came across an enlightening speech that powerfully advocates the principle that honesty is the best policy. The speaker drives home this message by sharing a true story about an overseas Chinese student who suffered the consequences of his own dishonesty, unable to secure a job due to his tarnished records. I couldn't agree more with the speaker's assertion. Honesty is a cornerstone that separates success from failure. It is a virtue that brings long-term benefits, while dishonesty may seem rewarding in the short term, but ultimately leads to disaster. Consider the case of Mr. Mao, the principal of a national model high school. In a climate of intense competition, some teachers turned a blind eye to students' cheating, and some even resorted to cheating themselves to please the school administration. Mr. Mao, however, stood firm against such practices. His honesty paid off, leading to his success as a chemistry teacher and his subsequent appointment as principal three years ago. On the contrary, the Sanlu Milk Powder Company serves as a stark example of the opposite. Seeking greater profits, they added the toxic chemical melamine to their milk powder, giving it an artificially high protein content. Their dishonest practices initially yielded financial gains, but when the scandal broke, the company had to shut down, and some of the responsible officials faced prison sentences. Honesty is indispensable in both our academic pursuits and future careers. We must therefore hold steadfast to the belief that honesty is the best policy and commit ourselves to living an honest life.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-17 02:56

Honesty: The Key to Success I recently came across an enlightening speech that powerfully advocates the principle that honesty is the best policy. The speaker drives home this message by sharing a true story about an overseas Chinese student who suffered the consequences of his own dishonesty, unable to secure a job due to his tarnished records. I couldn't agree more with the speaker's assertion. Honesty is a cornerstone that separates success from failure. It is a virtue that brings long-term benefits, while dishonesty may seem rewarding in the short term, but ultimately leads to disaster. Consider the case of Mr. Mao, the principal of a national model high school. In a climate of intense competition, some teachers turned a blind eye to students' cheating, and some even resorted to cheating themselves to please the school administration. Mr. Mao, however, stood firm against such practices. His honesty paid off, leading to his success as a chemistry teacher and his subsequent appointment as principal three years ago. On the contrary, the Sanlu Milk Powder Company serves as a stark example of the opposite. Seeking greater profits, they added the toxic chemical melamine to their milk powder, giving it an artificially high protein content. Their dishonest practices initially yielded financial gains, but when the scandal broke, the company had to shut down, and some of the responsible officials faced prison sentences. Honesty is indispensable in both our academic pursuits and future careers. We must therefore hold steadfast to the belief that honesty is the best policy and commit ourselves to living an honest life.
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