发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-01 03:32
功夫熊猫的番外篇,通过Po对盖世五侠身世故事的讲述,教育了一群小兔子明白所谓功夫不仅仅是PK就行了,还需要学会耐心、勇气、自信、纪律和同情心才能成长为一名真正的功夫高手。 2D水墨风的叙事画面别具匠心精致好看,寓教于乐的励志故事生动有趣温馨可爱~ []
电影 功夫熊猫之盖世五侠的秘密 全集片 名 Secrets Of The Furious Five 译 名 功夫熊猫:盖世五侠的秘密 年 代 2008 导 演 许诚毅 Raman Hui 编 剧 Todd Berger ...screenplay Paul McEvoy ...screenplay 主 演 杰克·布莱克 Jack Black ...Po(阿波) (voice)达斯汀·霍夫曼 Dustin offman ...Shifu (师父)(voice)...
梦工厂的电影有哪些?这是我自己收藏的电影。不全,但也不少了。呵。功夫熊猫2 功夫熊猫.Kung.Fu.Panda.2008.RERiP.720p.BluRay.3Audio.x264.DTS-WiKi 功夫熊猫:盖世五侠的秘密.Kung.Fu.Panda.Secrets.of.the.Furious.Five.720p.x264 功夫熊猫感恩节特辑.Kung.Fu.Panda.Holiday.Special.2010.720p.HDTV.X264-QCF ...
讲功夫熊猫中五个奇侠身世的影片叫什么《功夫熊猫:盖世五侠的秘密》(Kung Fu Panda: Secrets of the Furious Five)随DVD发行的 番外短片
功夫熊猫电影外传首先,是收录在DVD中的短片《功夫熊猫:盖世五侠的秘密》(Kung Fu Panda: Secrets of the Furious Five),它通过阿波教导一群兔子学生的故事,传递了信心、耐心和勇气等中国功夫的核心价值。短片以动画形式呈现,展现了中国文化的深厚内涵。另一部是2010年感恩节特别节目《功夫熊猫感恩节特辑》,讲述了阿波...
功夫熊猫:盖世五侠的秘密 英文对白http://www.shooter.cn/xml/sub/101/101308.xml 包含一份中文字幕文件,一份英文字幕文件。最喜欢的一段翻译是:Yesterday is history ;Tomorrow is a mystery ;But today is a gift ;That is why it’s called the present (the gift) .昨天 已逝 ;明天 未至 ;今天 珍惜眼前事 ;所以...
功夫熊猫:盖世五侠的秘密英语台词《功夫熊猫:盖世五侠的秘密》开始部分的英语台词,供参考:Shifu: You ready?Panda: Ready’s my middle name.Panda: What do we got? Gang of terrible rhinos? Crocs? Rabid wolves? Let’s do it!Shifu: Be warned. This may be the toughest challenge you’ve ever had to face.Panda...
功夫熊猫之盖世五侠的秘密的英文观后感The only time the film really falters is when it gets 'serious,' but I suppose you can't expect it to be laugh out loud hilarious for the entire running time.There is a lot of positivity in "Kung Fu Panda: Secrets of the Furious Five". I really enjoyed watching it.
《功夫熊猫之盖世五侠的秘密》的英文观后感this educational film, well, yep it can be educational, but it's really funny and brilliant visual one, and guys, just like the last version of Kung Fu Panda, it's also suitable for u - adults, esp. kidults~ guys let's have more great Cartoon, keep your heart young~!