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描述自己会的一项技术项目 (雅思口语)

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-06 23:19



热心网友 时间:2023-07-19 13:18

电子产品有很多,最简单的例如手机,iPad,Kindle电子书,新款的Apple Watch苹果手表,女生喜欢用的Casio*神器相机,录音笔,单反。。。。很多我就不举例了



Ok, the proct that I’d like to mention is a Digital Single-lens Reflex Camera that my dad bought to me as a graation gift. It’s a Canon EOS 70D. Honestly, I barely know anything about photography, and it’s never one of my hobbies. But since I’ve got his DSLR, I think I have to use it. Then I know that it has quite a good performance and specification, like a vari-angle LCD Monitor which is definitely able to shoot stills or movies from unique or awkward angles, and of course, fast continuous shooting that allows me to capture the briefest moments. This indeed encouraged me to use it as much as possible. So I take it with me whenever there’s chance to take pictures. Namely, I take it when I hang out with friends, I take it to my trips at weekends, and of course I also take it to the wedding ceremony of my cousin. And on that occasion I got to know a girl majoring in photography, loving photography and wishing to have photography as her permanent career. We had a happy and interesting talk and I was totally shocked by her passion and complete devotion to photography. I didn't quite understand her at that time though she showed me many gorgeous and magical photos she took which are just like those can be found on the internet. Hearing what I think she invited me to go on a photography trip with her on a Saturday. We actually climbed a local mountain where I used to work out when I’m free. I can’t help doubting because I can’t know this mountain more. As far as I know, there’s nothing special that worth being taken. She didn't talk much, just kept taking pictures all the way to the top. When I couldn’t stand that situation any longer she showed her photos to me. And I was amazed. When I saw the flowers, they weren’t the flowers I thought they should be. When I saw the pine trees, they were just a lot more adorable than what I know. When I saw the sky, I finally noticed how many diverse shapes the clouds can change to. Then I realised how little I knew about the world, the environment we live. And they are just worth being noticed more and praised more than we used to. Finally, I got to know the real fun and value of photography. Probably it’s not the truth of photography to all photographers, but I believe to see, to care and to love the world indeed adds the value of photography. Therefore, ever since from that day, I care more, love to see more, and I’m passion about finding out the beauty around us.
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