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有个英文单词听着是念 (rua fu)请问有没有谁知道这是什么单词??

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-06 23:29



热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 05:08


/ ˈrʌfl; ˋrʌfl/ v
[Tn, Tn.p] ~ sth (up) disturb the smoothness or
evenness of sth 弄皱或弄乱某物: a breeze ruffling the surface of
the lake 吹皱了湖面的微风 * Don't ruffle my hair, I've
just combed it. 别把我的头发弄乱了, 我刚刚梳好了的. * The bird
ruffled up its feathers. 那只鸟竖起了羽毛.
[Tn esp passive 尤用於被动语态] upset the calmness or even temper
of (sb); disconcert 扰乱(某人)的情绪; 激怒(某人): Anne is easily
ruffled by awkward questions. 安妮遇到难堪的问题很容易发脾气.
(idm 习语) ruffle sb's `feathers (infml 口) annoy sb 惹某人生气. smooth sb's ruffled feathers
=> smooth2.
ruffle n strip of material gathered into a
frill and used to ornament a garment, esp at the wrist or neck 褶饰,



/ rʌf; rʌf/ adj
(-er, -est)
having an uneven or irregular surface; not level or smooth
高低不平的; 参差不齐的; 不平滑的; 粗糙的: A jeep is ideal for driving over
rough terrain. 吉普车很适合在高低不平的路面上行驶. * a rough stone
wall 里出外进的石墙 * rough hands 粗糙的手 *
rough woollen cloth 粗糙的毛料布. Cf 参看 smooth1.

not gentle or calm; moving or acting violently 粗鲁的; 粗暴的;
粗野的; 剧烈的: rough behaviour 粗暴的行为 * His children are very rough with their toys. 他的孩子很不爱惜玩具. *
Rugby is a rough sport. 橄榄球是一种很剧烈的运动. * That area of the city is quite rough (ie
dangerous) after dark. 那一带市区天黑之後很危险. * This suitcase has had some rough handling, ie has been
badly treated. 这个手提箱用得很不在意. * He has a rough
tongue, ie often speaks rudely or sharply. 他讲话很不中听(言语粗野或尖刻). *
rough seas 风浪大的海 * have a
rough crossing from Dover to Calais 在大风大浪中从多佛港横渡到加莱港.
made or done without (much) attention to detail, esp in
haste or as a first attempt; approximate 粗制的; 粗略的; (尤指)粗率的或初步的; 概略的: a rough sketch, calculation, translation 草图﹑ 概略的计算﹑ 粗略的翻译
* a rough draft of his speech 他的演讲草稿 * Give me a rough idea of your plans. 请把你那计画的大概意思告诉我. *
I'll give you a rough estimate of the costs.
我给你大致估计一下费用. * rough justice, ie more
or less fair, but not necessarily strictly according to law 勉强的公正.
harsh (in taste, sound, etc) (味道﹑ 声音等)令人不快的; 难吃的; 刺耳的:
a rough red wine 难喝的红葡萄酒 * Your engine sounds a bit rough you'd better have it checked.
你的发动机声音有点不正常--最好检查检查. * a rough voice
(infml 口) unwell 不舒服:
I feel a bit rough I'm going to bed.
(idm 习语) be rough (on sb) (infml
口) be unpleasant or unlucky (for sb) (对某人来说)不愉快的, 不幸的: Losing his job was rough (on him). 他失业了, 真倒霉. give
sb/have a rough `time (cause sb to) experience hardship, be treated
severely, etc (使某人)受苦﹑ 受到严厉的对待等: She had a really rough time
when her father died. 她在父亲去世以後受了很多罪. a raw/rough deal => deal4.
,rough and `ready adequate but unrefined; crude but effective 能满足需要但不精美;
简陋但有效: The accommodation is rather rough and ready, I'm
afraid. 依我看, 这个住处还算差强人意. * [attrib 作定语] rough and
ready methods 原始但实用的方法. a rough `diamond person who is
good-natured but lacking polished manners, ecation, etc 心地善良但粗俗﹑
> roughly adv
in a rough manner 粗鲁地; 粗暴; : treat sb roughly
粗暴地对待某人 * a roughly made table, ie not
finely finished 做工粗糙的桌子.
2 approximately 大概; 大约: It should cost roughly 10. 这大约10英镑. * about forty miles, roughly speaking 大致说来,
roughness n [U] quality or state
of being rough 粗糙; 粗略; 粗率; 粗鲁; 粗厉: the roughness of his
chin 他下巴的粗糙不光滑.
# ,rough-and-`tumble n, adj (fight, struggle,
etc that is) boisterous and disorganized, but usu not serious 吵闹而混乱的(打﹑
斗等)(通常不很严重): All the pups were having a rough-and-tumble in
the garden. 小狗都正在花园里又叫又闹.
`rough house (infml 口) disturbance with violent and noisy behaviour
,rough `luck bad luck, worse than is deserved
`roughneck n (US infml 口) 1 rowdy person; hooligan 粗暴而好吵闹的人; 流氓.
2 worker on an oil rig 油井工人.


/ rʌf; rʌf/ adv
in a rough manner 粗鲁地; 粗暴地; 粗略地: a team
that is notorious for playing rough, ie in a (physically) somewhat
violent way 因动作粗野而声名狼藉的运动队.
(idm 习语) cut up `rough (infml
口) become angry or violent 发脾气; 暴跳如雷: I hope he
doesn't cut up rough when I tell him what I've done. 我把我做的事情告诉他,
但愿他别发火. live rough => live2.
sleep rough => sleep2.
`roughcast n [U] coarse plaster containing
gravel, used for covering the outside walls of buildings
`rough-hewn adj
(fml or rhet 文或修辞) shaped or carved
roughly 初步成形的; 粗雕的: a rough-hewn statue
`roughshod adv (idm 习语) ride
roughshod over sb/sth => ride2.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 05:09

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