发布时间:2024-09-27 03:40
时间:2024-10-04 09:21
是王菀之的《Love Has It All》
love has it all
beckons softly with its call night day
e're spreading its silky wings on its way
gently falls to the lonely melting heart
and giving it a fresh new start
love has it all hot cold emotion
wild free imagination
love has it all don't you ever know
it touches you where're you go
and kisses your broken soul
while i feel lost barely surviving ups falls
when broken dreams are trailing up the sky
winds soaring high
but when i ask love to stay it flies away
leaving no trace makes me wonder what to say
love has it all it turns moments to gold
it caresses your broken soul
and touches you wherever you go
now that i know love is hot love is cold
moments of ice moments of fire
it flashes through the eye
for all i know love would want it to remould
from faded dreams to heart of gold
a brand new story
时间:2024-10-04 09:19
是王菀之的《Love Has It All》
love has it all
beckons softly with its call night day
e're spreading its silky wings on its way
gently falls to the lonely melting heart
and giving it a fresh new start
love has it all hot cold emotion
wild free imagination
love has it all don't you ever know
it touches you where're you go
and kisses your broken soul
while i feel lost barely surviving ups falls
when broken dreams are trailing up the sky
winds soaring high
but when i ask love to stay it flies away
leaving no trace makes me wonder what to say
love has it all it turns moments to gold
it caresses your broken soul
and touches you wherever you go
now that i know love is hot love is cold
moments of ice moments of fire
it flashes through the eye
for all i know love would want it to remould
from faded dreams to heart of gold
a brand new story
是王菀之的《Love Has It All》歌词:love has it all beckons softly with its call night day e're spreading its silky wings on its way gently falls to the lonely melting heart and giving it a fresh new start love has it all hot cold emotion wild free imagination love has it ...
咁咁咁 - The Pancakes(是电影麦兜里的插曲,在快乐大本营里有外景什么的时候经常能听到的~粤语的~)A Little Love - 冯曦妤(英文歌~)桃ノ花ビラ - 大冢爱(很可爱的歌,中文版是王心凌的《爱的滑翔翼》)さくらんぼ - 大冢爱(同样很可爱的歌曲,爱的歌曲都蛮好听的~)爱向着我来的那天 - ...
in gonna getcha good
http://music.qq.com/qqmusic.html?id=185186&qq=1050656902 QQ音乐官方链接:Tamas Wells-valder fields
因为我脑子不好》 韩版花样男子的《你知道吗》、韩版花样男子的《惋惜的心情》 罗比·威廉姆斯(Robbie Willams)的better man 国语版是林忆莲唱的(就是外拍时张翰在街头抱着吉他唱的那首 许飞的《我要的飞翔》(《一起来看流星雨》片尾曲) F4的《流星雨》(开场秀) 谢谢楼主 采纳哦 ...
楼主 是这首不 hot chelle rae - honestly 我听的这首 ...
Josh Wilson - I Refuse http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjU0ODQ4MzE2.html
婚礼上常放的一首外语歌 。女的唱的,很唯美,开头是‘啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦...
1.爱向着我来的那天2.Kara - Mr3.歌曲:魔女游戏插曲 歌手:未知歌手 不知道有没有呢,望查收!!! 本回答由网友推荐 举报| 答案纠错 | 评论 0 2 鎚鈈錡 采纳率:74% 擅长: 小说 音乐 数学 西安市 宝鸡市 其他回答 Kara的MR 热心网友| 发布于2011-09-03 举报| 评论 0 1 海豚音的?loving you。
“飞轮海”成员包括了个性活泼的汪东城、有着温暖笑容的辰亦儒、极具忧郁气质的吴尊与带着冷峻眼神的炎亚伦;虽然各自有着不同特质,但四位大男孩皆表示私底下都十分搞笑,从相互吐嘈中其感情融洽可见一斑。 "飞轮海"是华氏温度计FAHRENHEIT英文的中译名,也就是代表由四位大男生组成的"飞轮海",就彷佛是由春、夏、秋...