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The Sea的英语作文 急急急急急急急急急急

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-26 23:31



热心网友 时间:2024-10-05 03:29

I have seen the majestic Yangtze river, calm lake, lively and cheerful streams, but has not seen the sea. The word "sea" in my mind is strange, mysterious, let a person elusive. Finally in the summer vacation, I have seen in Russia's Marine anhui what I aspire to the sea. The sea, really is very big, endless. The sea is quiet, just like a mirror, reflecting the blue sky white jade, green trees and red flowers, like a piece of jade. Look at carefully, can see the water is limpid, thy see clearly the fine sand and gravel. From time to time, also can see a few starfish lay in the sea. I breath, just know the edge of the sea air is so pure and fresh and natural, let a person relaxed and happy.

Slowly, the sea wind. Microwave clear, sunshine is aspersed in the above, the surface is like a golden jade broken, let a person can't help to produce a sense of pity. Wind is more and more big, the also gradually become big waves, a wave after wave in a. Waves are white, seems to be playing a windward silks and satins. Roll waves pushed the waves, and some push a vanishing, playing on the shore of rock, the "HuaHuaLaLa spluttered" noise. Gulls are attracted to the "trio", heard, hovering at sea, added a beautiful scenery line for the sea. Imperceptible in, the wave is gone, the seagulls fly off, again just a calm on the sea.

Listening to the calm of the sea, I suddenly remind of what, alone, barefoot, walking on the beach, one step at a time. I want to, I'm looking for a lost sea memories...

热心网友 时间:2024-10-05 03:29

I have seen the majestic Yangtze river, calm lake, lively and cheerful streams, but has not seen the sea. The word "sea" in my mind is strange, mysterious, let a person elusive. Finally in the summer vacation, I have seen in Russia's Marine anhui what I aspire to the sea. The sea, really is very big, endless. The sea is quiet, just like a mirror, reflecting the blue sky white jade, green trees and red flowers, like a piece of jade. Look at carefully, can see the water is limpid, thy see clearly the fine sand and gravel. From time to time, also can see a few starfish lay in the sea. I breath, just know the edge of the sea air is so pure and fresh and natural, let a person relaxed and happy.

Slowly, the sea wind. Microwave clear, sunshine is aspersed in the above, the surface is like a golden jade broken, let a person can't help to produce a sense of pity. Wind is more and more big, the also gradually become big waves, a wave after wave in a. Waves are white, seems to be playing a windward silks and satins. Roll waves pushed the waves, and some push a vanishing, playing on the shore of rock, the "HuaHuaLaLa spluttered" noise. Gulls are attracted to the "trio", heard, hovering at sea, added a beautiful scenery line for the sea. Imperceptible in, the wave is gone, the seagulls fly off, again just a calm on the sea.

Listening to the calm of the sea, I suddenly remind of what, alone, barefoot, walking on the beach, one step at a time. I want to, I'm looking for a lost sea memories...
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