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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-27 00:48



热心网友 时间:2024-11-08 02:06

Tong Pak Fu, a man of exceptional talent and good looks, was proficient in music, chess, calligraphy, and painting, ranking as the foremost among the Four Great Talents of Jiangnan. Surrounded by eight beautiful wives, their relationship was superficial. One day, a servant reported that someone from Ning Wang's court had arrived, requesting to see Tong Pak Fu. His mother, aware of Ning Wang's plot to rebel, was worried. Tong Pak Fu asked his mother to send the visitor away.
To their surprise, the visitor was a imperial physician who claimed to be treating Tong Pak Fu. During the pulse-checking, Tong Pak Fu used his internal energy to alter his pulse, causing the physician to panic and declare that he needed to prepare for his death. His mother, discovering that Tong Pak Fu possessed martial arts skills, was furious. Tong Pak Fu was confused by her reaction. His mother explained that if his enemies, the Deadly Scholar and his father's former lover, the华山Shaman, found out he was the successor of the Overlord Gun, he would be in grave danger.
Determined to keep his skills a secret, Tong Pak Fu decided to leave home for a few days and invited the other three scholars to join him on a trip. By chance, he encountered Madam Hua and her four beautiful maids, Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter, at a temple for their devotions. Tong Pak Fu fell instantly in love with Autumn. With the help of a boatman, he managed to enter Hua's mansion, gaining more opportunities to be close to Autumn. When he confessed his feelings to her, Autumn didn't believe him.
At this time, the Four Vicious Thieves of Jiangnan tried to abduct Autumn. In the fight, Autumn's copy of Tang Bai's poetry collection fell to the ground. The Hua Shaman defeated the thieves. Seeing the poetry collection, she was enraged. To save Autumn from困境, Tong Pak Fu claimed that he carried the poetry to remember his family's grudge. The Hua Shaman calmed down and agreed to let him serve as a page in her household, naming him Hua An.
As Hua An, Tong Pak Fu was able to come and go freely in the Hua mansion, getting closer to Autumn. Ning Wang, accompanied by his counselor and the Deadly Scholar, arrived with a large entourage, claiming to discuss poetry and painting with Hua Tai Shih. Since Hua Tai Shih and Ning Wang had opposite political views, the situation was tense. At a crucial moment, Tong Pak Fu demonstrated his skills, turning a potential crisis into safety. Hua An's display of martial arts prowess and literary talent made the Hua Shaman certain he was Tong Pak Fu. She agreed to reveal his true identity and marry Autumn to him, but then changed her mind, revealing that she had poisoned him through his tea. To save Tong Pak Fu, Autumn stole many medications.
Just as this occurred, the Deadly Scholar arrived, threatening to massacre the Hua family. With their lives in danger, Hua Shaman and Autumn, Tang Pak Fu arrived. Using the Overlord Gun, he eliminated the Deadly Scholar. Grateful for his rescue, the Hua Shaman agreed to marry Autumn to him.
After many twists and turns, Tong Pak Fu finally married his beloved Autumn. However, there is no historical record of the event "Tong Pak Fu Points Autumn," as Autumn was actually born twenty years before Tong Pak Fu. They were simply a beautiful woman and a talented man. Later generations, with their yearning for a romantic love story, created this touching narrative, expressing the public's longing for a talented gentleman and a beautiful lady's love.
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