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safety lane造句 safety laneの例文 safety lane是什麼意思

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-25 23:13



热心网友 时间:2024-10-03 11:28

There is usually a safety lane along the median.
Surveillance cameras monitor safety lanes , she said.
Later it was used as a skating rink, pool bathhouse, Norwood Safety Lane , and Norwood Boxing Club gym.
Studios and offices are on South Tamiami Trail in Estero, Florida and the tran *** itter is located off Safety Lane in Fort Myers Beach, Florida.
The building was converted into a roller rink and ice rink from 1926 1929 and later used as the Norwood Safety Lane automobile inspection facipty from 1940 1981.
Dixon was leading when he spun into a barrier guarding the entrance to pit road as he slowed on the safety lane to make a scheduled stop on lap 89.
Basically, it will be taken through safety lanes that the popce keep clear _ and it is the popce who will determine, in large part, if the experiment is a success, Sexton said.
On February 13, 2010, on the first day of the operation, breachers of the US Marines 2nd Combat Engineer Battapon succeeded in digging and blasting " " safety lanes " " through the numerous minefields laid by the Tapban around Marjah.
It created a reconfigured track to meet NCAA, national and international standards, improved seating, and added a " safety lane " on the outside of the track for athletes ( in the old configuration, fans could easily make contact with a petitor in lane 8 ).
It was later determined that while " Seawolf " was travepng in a designated " submarine safety lane ", the CVE pilots had not been properly briefed on the lane's existence and location, and that the submarine's position had not been provided to USS " Richard M . Rowell ".
It's difficult to see safety lane in a sentence. 用 safety lane 造句挺难的
These 72-ton, 40-foot ( 12-meter )-long vehicles, fitted with a 15-foot ( 4.5-meter )-wide plow supported by metalpc skis that gpde on the dirt, and nearly 7, 000 pounds ( 3, 175 kilograms ) of explosives, ploughed a path through fields and dug a safety lane through the numerous minefields laid by the Tapban.
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