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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-25 16:26



热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 04:59

analysis of ancestor worship of Guangdong Meizhou from the perspective of Cultural anthropology
The clan ancestor worship is one of the ancient China's four custom" adult ceremony and
wedding ceremony and mourning ceremony and sacrificial ceremony". As a part of traditional Chinese culture,Hakka area in Meizhou City of Guangdong is where keeps this custom most grandly and wholely at present . Its clan sacrificial activities has been prevailing in each local village . The ritual behavior is an important window of the study of the Hakka culture. Hakka culture shows the Confucian culture, immigration culture and mountain culture . The outstanding influence of Confucian culture to Hakka culture is ancestor worship, in Hakka culture it expresses by the nostalgia of root finding ceremony
. Key words: Cultural Anthropology in Meizhou; Guangdong; worship

热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 05:00

Families of the old Chinese ancestor worship is four custom "crown marriage funeral offering", one of the ancestor-worship celebration as part of the traditional Chinese culture, meizhou city guangdong hakka community is at present our country to maintain this custom the most solemn areas, its clan ritual activities has prevailed in the local village of common DianDian. The ceremony behavior is the important research in hakka culture window. The hakka culture characteristics is not the only, it shows Confucian culture, and immigration culture and cultural characteristics of mountainous area of immigration culture, the Confucian culture to the influence of the hakka culture outstanding performance in one's ancestry and worship as a hakka culture shows a ses feelings."

热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 04:56

From the perspective of cultural anthropology of guangdong of meizhou worship their ancestors

Families of the old Chinese ancestor worship is four custom "crown marriage funeral offering", one of the ancestor-worship celebration as part of the traditional Chinese culture, meizhou city guangdong hakka community is at present our country to maintain this custom the most solemn areas, its clan ritual activities has prevailed in the local village of common DianDian. The ceremony behavior is the important research in hakka culture window. The hakka culture characteristics is not the only, it shows Confucian culture, and immigration culture and cultural characteristics of mountainous area of immigration culture, the Confucian culture to the influence of the hakka culture outstanding performance in one's ancestry and worship as a hakka culture shows a ses feelings."
Keywords: cultural anthropology; Guangdong meizhou; Worship their ancestors
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