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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-25 16:58



热心网友 时间:2024-09-29 17:49

第一篇:题目:I’m ready for exam 作文 I have to prepare for the exam. Because I'm not the little young, nor the future all day don't have to worry about the innocent children. If I want to make my own dream from one step closer, I must study hard for the exam, fully prepared to do anything. I will shoulder the responsibilities of I, I am ready. I don't fear the exam.
第二篇:I have seen the best TV show is Sesame CCTV children’s channel. I think this show is the TV show I’ve seen the best looking one. I was impressed with the show, but also let me learn a lot. I left a lot of childhood memories. So I always think that this program is the best program to give children a great help and interest in development. I really like.第三篇:In my childhood has a very interesting thing happened in my classroom. At that time, we first grade. Was attending classes, we are very serious lectures. Class, the teacher is very serious. But I see my face a little awkward at the same table. I did not ask him what happened, because at that time were in school. Who would have thought the class was over, I found my chair under the water, this lets me know his class expression. It makes me impressed! 希望能帮到 我英语不怎么好!
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