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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-25 15:49



热心网友 时间:2024-09-29 19:22

High Voltage Inter-lock (HVIL) systems are an essential safety feature in electric vehicles (EVs). They operate by utilizing low-voltage signals to verify the integrity of all components connected to the high-voltage wiring harness within the EV. This ensures the continuity of the high-voltage system's circuits. Components that require manual operation, such as high-voltage connectors and manual service disconnects (MSDs), are equipped with HVIL functionality to enable or disable the circuit.
The primary purpose of high voltage interlocks is to confirm the integrity of the entire high-voltage system. In the event of a circuit interruption or compromise, safety measures are automatically activated. The functions of high voltage interlocks are threefold:
Firstly, they detect loose connections in the high-voltage circuit, which could lead to power loss and affect vehicle safety. Before the high voltage is cut off, they provide warning signals to the vehicle's controller, allowing time for the vehicle's systems to implement preventive measures.
Secondly, they play a critical role in vehicle startup. If a circuit is incomplete, the system prevents the vehicle from powering up, thus avoiding accidents caused by improper connections.
Thirdly, they prevent safety incidents resulting from human error. Without an HVIL design in place, if a high-voltage connection is manually disconnected, the entire circuit's voltage can surge across the disconnected point. This can result in an arc, which,尽管短暂,能量很高,可能对周围的人员和设备造成伤害.
The operation and implementation of HVIL systems must consider two key factors: how the low-voltage system can comprehensively inspect the connection status of every point in the high-voltage system, and how to ensure that the low-voltage detection circuit's signal transmission precedes the disconnection action of the high-voltage circuit.
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