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science student studies account (CE)

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-25 14:23



热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 19:35

Q1)If i study account (CE) in future
will it be helpful to将来的发展. --> I think u can have a brief idea of accounting. It is quite necessary for a successful busines *** en to have knowledge about this. You can search and find many CEO and directors in listed panies have CPA license. May be not for this purpose
knowing how to interpret the financial statement may help you to make the decisions about investment. Q2)And do 会计师
what are the requirements? --> For requirement
the most efficient way is to obtain an accounting degree in HK first and then to finish 4 moles examination and 1 final paper examination. Also
you have to get 3 years' solid accounting experience then you can get the accounting license (non-pracising). I think to obtain a more precise requirement
you can go to icpa. But I think at this moment u n need to check such requirements so detailed as changes always occur. Q3)In university
is there a sub. called 会计学? if yes
what are the requirements? -> yes ar~ there is a major called Accounting. UST - BBA (Accounting) CUHK - Professional accountancy HKU - BBA (Account and Finance)and e.. There are no such special requirement. The only requirement is u have to get a good grade in AL and CE!! Also
I saw the above anwser mentioned that studying CE and AL account would be helpful in studying in university. I can tell u that it is true to a certain extent provided that u really understand very well in the subject matter in AL or this would not help much! From my experience
I am studying account since I was form 3 and until now I am working in this field too. I have already studied for 9 years. Some said that it is an advantage to study account in university. But this is not totally true. It is quite true in the first year
becoz it is some simple concept. So for those who have study accounting before
they will understand the materials in university easily~ But when u are in year 2 and 3
it is totally different. Quite a lot of topics are not included in CE or AL. Some treatment that u learnt in CE and AL may not be applicable in university (for example
Ce and AL is using HK standard but some universities use US/international standard. And also the changes in accounting standard is quite frequent. When I study account in sec. sch.
the standard called SSAP and now the standard called HKAS.) I hope the above information is helpful to u. I think even u n study account in AL or CE
u can still study account well in university. If you want to know much more information
please feel free to raise any further questions.
参考: me
if you study account in AL
it can benefit yourself since you can learn more before you major Accounr in university. But you may spend more time to catch up since u did not study this subject in CE paring to the other who did. if you wanna be a Accountant
i suggest that you can study the course of BBA in UST. and major account. You can still study Account if you haven't studied account in CE or AL before but you may need 1A or 2A in Alevel to get in...This degree proves your qualification of being an Accountant in HK and some other countries. If not taking this course
you may have to take some exams.. as follow: 你可以去看.knowledge.yahoo/question/?qid=7006072404268
参考: myself..
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