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...talk about something about science》英语作文 急!急! 十万火急...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-26 14:03



热心网友 时间:2024-10-05 22:17

Science can be categorized as chemistry, physics or biology. I like biology best. I like the lessons on human anatomy, especially on the productive organ of a woman.The woman productive organ is called virgina in a common layman term. The structure of the organ is very intricate. This organ not only provide pleasure to the female sex but also provide the continaution of mankind.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-05 22:19

We must achieve modernization of science and technology, otherwise we will lag behind other nations.Science and technology have changed our life thoroughly throughout the history, especially in the last century. There is a prevailing understanding about science and technology among the general public that they are the same thing of two different names but they are acutally two things. Science is kind of series of theorrtical concepts and people can accept it or not, and it will not affect commom people's life to a large extent, but it's a different way when it comes to technology because technology has more pratical effect on people. People have to endure the results of the pactical applicance of technology whether they are good or not, such as the air pollution, and it all happens without people's acceptance, for it all depends on the local governments' or even the nations' decision.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-05 22:12

Science can be categorized as chemistry, physics or biology. I like biology best. I like the lessons on human anatomy, especially on the productive organ of a woman.The woman productive organ is called virgina in a common layman term. The structure of the organ is very intricate. This organ not only provide pleasure to the female sex but also provide the continaution of mankind.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-05 22:11

We must achieve modernization of science and technology, otherwise we will lag behind other nations.Science and technology have changed our life thoroughly throughout the history, especially in the last century. There is a prevailing understanding about science and technology among the general public that they are the same thing of two different names but they are acutally two things. Science is kind of series of theorrtical concepts and people can accept it or not, and it will not affect commom people's life to a large extent, but it's a different way when it comes to technology because technology has more pratical effect on people. People have to endure the results of the pactical applicance of technology whether they are good or not, such as the air pollution, and it all happens without people's acceptance, for it all depends on the local governments' or even the nations' decision.
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