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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-25 20:55



热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 07:09


人们为了生存,总要不停得扮演着不同的角色,因此,他们也在不经意之间就带上了面具。或许是为了掩饰,又或许是因为无奈,但更多的为了生存。可是,当他们摘下面具面对镜子中的自己,又将会是如 何一种心情呢?是恐惧?是坦然?还是别的?每个人应该都会有自己的感受吧。

Mankind has to keep playing different roles to survive. Therefore, they unconsciously put on masks to whitewash or simply due to the feeling of helplessness, but they do that most likely to survive. However, what would they feel after taking off their masks and looking at their reflections in the mirror? Fear? Calm? Or something else? Everybody is supposed to feel his or her own feeling.

A writer finds every one running the coffee shop that he hangs out in seems to live in harmony with one another but closely connected and the connection feels really tricky and complicated. The writer is inspired by the tricky complex in real life and thus creates his own inner world and lays bare how people struggle behind masks in real life.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 07:09

People play different roles in their life in order to survive. Therefore,they are always wearing a mask by accident. May be it for disguising, or because of helpless, but in fact far more than to survive.However, when they take off the mask to face themselves in the mirror, what kind of mood they will be? fear? frank? Or something else? Maybe every person has his own feelings.

A writer who is always goes to a caff found that people looks extrememly well at there . However, in fact, each person has difficult relationships with others. The complex story in real life brought inspirations to the writer, and built up a stage in his heart, as well as uncovered the inner struggle of people in real life under the mask .


热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 07:14

People has had to be playing the different role without stop for existing , must anyhow , they have had a mask at hand therefore, right away between being unable to careless. Probably be for concealing , probably being because of having no choice, but more for survival. In any case, serve as them take off the mask faces self in mirror , will may be how one grows state of mind? Be dreadful? Be calm? Be still other? Everyone ought to may feel having self. A writer has been discovered in cafe often going to in one manage this cafe's everyone look like that extremely harmonious , have but countless ties but between everyone getting entangled with unclear relation. Story getting entangled with in the actual life has given a writer inspiration , has created a his inward stage, heart under having brought the actual life go-betweens mask to light struggle, ...

热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 07:14

People have to keep changing their roles to survive in the sociaty. Therefore, they put masks on unconsciously because they have to pretend or because they have no other choices. But most of all, because they want to survive.However, how do they feel when they put the masks off and look at themselves in the mirror? Afeard? Calm? Or else?It must be different for different individuals.A writer found that staff of the cafe he usually went to looked like getting along with one another in a harmony, but actually the relation net among them was complecated.The complecation of true stories gives writers inspiration, creats a stage for their souls, unmasks the inner struggles of people who live in the real life under their masks...

热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 07:08

People in order to survive, have always been playing a different role and therefore, they are also inadvertently put a mask on. Perhaps to cover up, or perhaps because no choice, but in order to survive. However, when they face the mirror off his mask of their own, are going to be a feeling of how it? Is the fear? Is frankly? Or other? Each individual should have let my feelings.
A writer in a coffee shop frequented found operating the coffee shop appears to each person very well, but each person is inextricably between the tangled relationship. In real life the story of the struggle to give the author the inspiration to create a stage for his heart to reveal the real life of people under the mask of the inner struggle ... ...
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